Categories: Health

How to remove 15 kg of toxins accumulating in the rectum with only two ingredients?

Cleansing the rectum of mucus , feces , parasites and harmful toxins is the best way to avoid various diseases! It is a known fact that the intestinal tract of the human body processes about 100 tons of food and about 40,000 liters of liquid during the life of a single person. Therefore , it is estimated that 15 kg of faeces and toxic materials will settle in the intestines over time.
Accumulated fecal deposits and toxic substances are harmful to our body.

If you notice any of the following symptoms, means your intestinal tract works at the most minimal level.

  • diabetes
  • poor metabolism
  • regular constipation
  • liver disease
  • kidney problems
  • excessive weight gain
  • skin problems
  • arthritis

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How to cleanse the rectum?!?
The use of an enema can only be effective when clearing about 50 centimeters of the colon.
This procedure can also be harmful to the intestinal flora.
Try to cleanse the rectum of toxic deposits using a folk and safe method , use flaxseed flour.
When you consume approximately 1 to 3 tablespoons of flaxseed meal, you will be able to rid your intestinal tract of the accumulation of parasites , mucus and feces safely and without disturbing the intestinal flora.
The use of flaxseed flour will help stabilize weight , metabolism , and cholesterol levels will decrease.

For any suggestions on the site: stavstudio@cp9.ru