Categories: Health

It works: 9 effective exercises for different types of pain

All these stretching exercises or , God forbid , yoga - scare with just one word.

But few people know that this art has a lot of exercises that can help with diseases in the back , neck and legs , as well as relax. These short home workouts will help those who have a sedentary job and a constant load on their backs. Or you are a young mother and constantly carry a child. Here they are - life-saving exercises! Remember.

Don't forget to turn on some nice and favorite music!

The so-called "Child's Pose" - universal for relaxing the lower back, hip joint and helps with stress. Sit on the floor on the cut and lower the body to the feet , hands stretch forward, drop completely onto your heels. Breathe deeply and just enjoy for a minute.

Another yoga exercise "Sitting on the wall." It will help to relax the neck and even relieve headaches. We lay down against the wall , straighten your legs on it. Hands rest freely on the stomach. You can relax from 3 to 10 minutes in this position.

Most popular exercise, which can be used even for medicinal purposes: "Kitty". She is often called differently, but we will. We get on all fours and bend at the waist. The head reaches for the coccyx - this is a kind cat , and when we bend our back up, as if forming a circle, our head is down - it's an evil cat. Repeat these 10 times , that is, 10 good and 10 evil cats.

Even with pain and digestive problems, you can do effective, but simple exercise. "Twisting" is done very simply: we sit on the floor , straight legs forward, the back is straight. Take the right leg , bend and put it behind the left leg, holding by hand. Hold this position for 2 minutes and switch legs.

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