How to improve memory at home quickly and effectively

We present you 15 foods that will help you improve your memory, but also make your brain work faster and also…


Eye massage to restore vision! I see much better now...

If you spend only 10 minutes a day on eye massage, you can achieve wonderful results! I am nearsighted and I work...


5 reasons to do the bridge exercise every day

Strong and elastic buttocks have a very big advantage! Besides the fact that in this case a bikini or a pair of jeans would be…


Why You Should Mix Turmeric and Vinegar

For centuries, onions, garlic and ginger have been renowned for their wonderful healing properties. The same can be said about…


This massage relieves clamps, helps with myopia, glaucoma and cataracts…

There are 12 pairs of cranial centers in the human body, 5 of which are located in the oral cavity. Massaging these areas has beneficial…


Do your hands go numb at night? It's not age. Health and folk recipes at home

Many people, especially those in the older age groups, are familiar with the feeling of tingling, “goosebumps”, awkwardness, numbness in the hands, especially at night.…


I am 50 years old, before I could not stand on my feet, but now I “flutter”, as in my youth. It's been 10 years since my feet hurt! Folk recipes for health

I am 50 years old, I want to offer those who suffer from pain in the legs, a very simple but effective recipe. 10 years ago…


How to check the liver? Here's an easy way to find out if she's healthy. Health and folk recipes

In 90%, the liver is sick. It happens that our liver has something to say, but it stubbornly remains silent, writes Dr. Andrey Laslau. …


The famous Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. Beauty and health at home

This gymnastics was practiced by monks in one of the Tibetan monasteries. That's just 10 exercises and five minutes a day. Tibetan hormonal ...

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