Categories: Health

Leg Slimming Exercises

With the help of these exercises you will not make your legs slim in a week , but with regular training in a month you will see positive results. Such an effective training program is suitable for both women and men. The main thing is to persevere , and you will definitely achieve your goals!

Something without which it is impossible to imagine a beautiful , harmonious silhouette - taut legs. A large number of muscles are concentrated in a person’s legs , so if they are not in good shape , the legs will not look attractive. Let's see what exercises are most effective for shaping beautiful legs.

Exercises for slim legs

There are a huge number of physical exercisesallowing you to make your legs more slender , toned and attractive. Some of them can be performed at home , without simulators and additional devices.

Let's look at the technique of performing the best exercises for slim legs. Immediately , that each of them must be performed in 3-4 sets with 12-15 repetitions in each.


Classic squats are considered one of the best exercises for triple legs and firm buttocks. It is better to perform them with weights in the form of small dumbbells or water bottles. You can also wear a backpack with some kind of load on your shoulders. Start with a small weight of 2 kg , but gradually increase it to 10 kg or more.

This effective exercise is performed for men and women in an elementary way: you need to stand up straight , with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Socks should look a little apart , and under the heels you can substitute small stands 2-3 cm high ( they will allow you to do deeper squats).

If you are working with dumbbells or bottles , take them in your hands and start squatting , and if you are doing an exercise with a backpack , you can fold your hands behind your neck or stretch them forward. You need to squat to the point where the thighs are strictly parallel to the floor , but watch your knees so that they do not go too far forward ( no further than the socks).


This exercise involves the hips , buttocks and calf muscles , so it can be considered complex. With it, you will quickly get slender and toned legs. When performing the exercise, the back should remain straight , and you can take dumbbells or water bottles in your hands to increase the load.

Starting position - standing straight , feet shoulder-width apart. One leg remains in place , and the second is put forward , and along with this you sag down. You need to lower yourself until the thigh of the front leg is parallel to the floor , the back leg almost touches the floor.

Mahi legs

One of the best exercises for slim legs , thanks to which they will become thin and toned. To perform the movement, you need a chair with a back.

Stand on the side , put your feet together and straighten your back. Take one leg to the side , trying to raise it as high as possible , but do not bend over with your torso. Then return to the starting position and repeat. We do the exercise smoothly and slowly , feeling the work and high muscle tension.

Kneeling leg raise

How to make your legs slim and thin with another simple exercise available to do at home? You need to get on all fours , look straight ahead and do not round your back , and then, as you exhale , without straightening.

Raise until your thigh is parallel to the floor . Do everything slowly and without inertiato feel the load on the back of the thigh and buttocks.

high chair

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