Cervicalgia: Why does my neck hurt?

CERVICALGIA is pain in the neck that occurs when the cervical spine or muscles of this area are affected. This syndrome is quite common and can affect anyone regardless of race or age.

Cervicalgia refers to pain localized in the back and sides of the neck , often caused by pathology or irritation of the joints , bones , muscles , discs , nerves, or a combination of these.

Cervicalgia , dorsalgia and lumbalgia are not diseases. They are only a symptom or painful manifestation of a disease.


The appearance of cervicalgia is inextricably linked with the type of work and body position. Often it affects office workers who spend many hours in a posture which the head is constantly pushed forward. For example , the appearance of cervicalgia is typical for office workers , seamstresses , draftsmen , surgeons , etc. ( see p. 270).

In addition to the muscle effort required to hold the head , the need to produce an effort to maintain the arms in a suspended state in their vertical position is added .

Thus , if there is no emphasis on the elbows when sitting at the table , the muscles may experience pain due to their overload and convergence.

Muscles that support the position of the arm in an upright position:

1) Upper portion of the trapezius muscle

2) Muscle that lifts the scapula

3) Rhomboid muscle

Prolonged exposure to a stressful situation , in which the same muscle group is constantly involved. Like , for example , when working on an assembly line. Mental and emotional stress also causes an increase in muscle tone , which can provoke pain.

Using the wrong pillow.

In advanced cases, arthrosis can lead to changes in the proper functioning of the cervical region and cause painful processes , pinched nerves , changes in sensitivity , etc.

Discopathy of the spine. Disc degeneration , strangulation, and herniation are most common in the lower cervical vertebrae.

Change in body static. Cervical hyperlordosis ( excessive load on the back joints).

Structural changes. Spondylolisthesis ( displacement of one vertebra to another), spinal stenosis ( narrowing of the canal which the spinal cord passes).

Injuries resulting from accidents on the road , workplace or in sports. "Whiplash injury of the cervical spine", which occurs with a sharp return movement of the neck in an accident. This often damages many ligaments , and sometimes muscles and vertebrae.

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