With each new diet, the likelihood of gaining extra weight increases!

I think I will not exaggerate if I say that there is not a single woman - regardless of physique and weight - who at least once in her life did not want to lose weight.

Weight loss messages are bombarded with us every day from all possible directions: from social networks , from conversations with friends , from advertising , from newspapers and magazines, and it is not surprising that in such an environment external messages turn into obsessive thoughts of their own. Of course , the higher the weight of a woman , the stronger the pressure on her , but the intensity of the very desire to lose weight does not depend on weight at all.
What's wrong with me wanting to lose weight?

For someone the desire to lose weight is already a severe eating disorder, For someone so far just obsessive thoughts, For someone hope for that, that people will be treated better, and most importantly, hope, that will cease to torment hatred for yourself and your body. As it were , This question at least once in a lifetime arises before every woman. But the complexity lies in only one thing - in the methods of achieving this goal.

First: the question is how much weight do you want to lose pounds. As mentioned above , thoughts about losing weight do not depend on weight - patients with anorexia in the stage of cachexia and at 28 kg may want to lose a couple more kg. If you succumb to this thought being in your natural weight , maybe, studies show, kilograms after a while will not only return, but the weight will increase, than before the start of measures to reduce it.

Second: the methods by which it is proposed to reduce weight. Most often, these are low-calorie diets , about the dangers of which more than one volume of research has been written , but they are so tempting precisely because they give a sense of their own strength and control. But the point is not only in harm , but in their absolute inefficiency , they do not solve the task , but only exacerbate the problem. And banning certain foods as a way to lose weight often leads to obsessive thoughts about those foods and overeating of "permitted" foods.

That is , if your weight is within the BMI or so ( yes , this is an outdated criterion that does not prove anything , but at least so) and you nevertheless have obsessive thoughts to lose weight - the main thing is not to touch anything , because it is too likely to get not only eating disorder , but also really overweight, and with each new diet, this probability grows.

This is usually followed by a second question: What about obesity and health risks? Are you suggesting that you love yourself and do nothing?

For any suggestions on the site: stavstudio@cp9.ru