Yoga for the eyes: 8 simple exercises that will restore your vigilance

Yoga for the eyes: 8 simple exercises that will restore your vigilance.
These exercises help relieve fatigue , improve vision and just relax. You can do them at home or at work: just set aside a few minutes and take care of a relatively calm environment. The main thing is to practice daily.

All exercises should be done while sitting with a straight back. At the end of each one, close your eyes and rest for a few seconds.

Exercise 1

Close your eyes , take a few deep breaths to relax your body. Then rub your palms and place them over your eyes. Stay in this positionuntil the hands give off heat. Then , without opening your eyes , rub your palms again and again attach them to your eyes. Do the exercise three times.

Exercise 2

Open your eyes and blink rapidly 10 times. Then close your eyes , relax for 20 seconds and listen to your breath. Repeat the exercise five times.

Yoga for the eyes. Exercise 3

Clench your fists and raise your thumbs. Extend your arms at eye level. Look at the space between the eyebrows , look at the thumb of the left hand. Look again at the space between the eyebrows , and then at the thumb of the right hand.

Inhale looking at the space between the eyebrows and exhale looking at the fingers. Do 10 to 20 repetitions.

Exercise 4

Put your hands on your knees , keep your head straight. Look at the dot in front of you. As you exhale, look down at the thumb of your left hand , while inhaling, look again at the point in front of you.

Repeat the same with the finger of the right hand.

Exercise 5

Relax your left hand and let it rest on your knee. Right , clenched into a fist with a raised thumb , pull forward. Make five circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise with your right hand. Follow the movement of your thumb with your eyes. Inhale , describing the upper part of the circle , and exhale at the bottom.

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