How to restore the intestinal microflora without drugs: 10 ways at home

It is believed that probiotics from a pharmacy do not have the result that yogurts with live bacteria give. About 85% of these bacteria die in the acidic environment of the stomach , the rest are rejected by their own intestinal microflora. In general , nothing is "populated", does not "take root" and does not fulfill its direct duties.

Meanwhile, violations of the microflora occur all the time. So how do you restore it? With the help of the following food.

Products that restore intestinal microflora

  • Cellulose
  • Pectin
  • Inulin
  • Garlic
  • Cabbage
  • Horseradish
  • Cowberry
  • Cranberry
  • Kefir
  • Taboo

1. Fiber

Fiber is a ballast substance that does not carry special nutritional value.

However , healthy digestion is impossible without fiber. And the microflora will die without it , because the “good” bacteria feed on fiber. So we lean on vegetables , fruits and grains.

2. Pectin

Another nutrient substrate for "good" gut bacteria is pectin. Pectin is rich in black currants , beets , apples , plums , apricots , gooseberries and pumpkins. Natural sugar-free marshmallow from these products is a tasty and effective alternative to pharmacy probiotics.

3. Inulin

The third group of complex carbohydrates that should be fed to the microflora is inulin. In dietology, inulin is a prebiotic , that is, a raw material that is processed by the intestinal microflora and stimulates its vital activity.

There is inulin in Jerusalem artichoke, bow, bananas, raisins, asparagus and artichokes. The leader in the content of inulin is chicory.

4. Garlic

If you want a healthy microflora, eat garlic and add it generously to your meals. Suppresses the activity of pathogenic bacteria. It also contains inulin , that is, it provides good bacteria with food for “thinking”.

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