Categories: Health

Having cleansed the vessels, revived the hands

For many years I suffered from numbness in my hands at night. I had to change the position of the body every 15-20 minutes , otherwise the hands would lose sensitivity. I went to the doctors , which I didn’t take , but there was no result.

At one time I went to the clinic as if I were going to work: a dropper , pills , massage , other physiotherapy ... The treatment lasted for three months , then it all started all over again.

When I checked the vessels of the hands , it turned out that they functioned from the elbow to the fingers by 30%, and from the elbow to the shoulder - by 50%.

I started trying folk remedies. I cleaned the vessels according to the Tibetan method with tincture of garlic: I drank from 1 drop to 25 drops , diluted with milk. Then I became interested in the methods of academician Bolotov and in the herbal section I found a recipe for cleansing blood vessels with garlic enzyme on whey.

Take 3 liters of whey , 3 cups of crushed garlic , 1 cup of granulated sugar. This composition is fermented with 1 teaspoon of sour cream and ferments for 2 months , it must be stirred periodically

Drink 50 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals. I made such a composition , drank 3 three-liter jars in 2 months. And now 6 years have passed since I forgot about the numbness of my hands. I want to repeat the treatment , because in this way all the vessels of the body are cleansed.

For any suggestions on the site: stavstudio@cp9.ru