How to get rid of back pain: 9 exercises for the spine from Norbekov

The pain will go away! For everyone who sits a lot. The famous Norbekov system consists of simple and very effective exercises that will help you keep your spine flexible. But the flexibility of the spine is the basis of the health of the whole body! With age, the intervertebral discs flatten , blood circulation deteriorates , and the spinal column dries out. That is why many people grow shorter in old age or bend into an arc. Stretching the spine , you improve the function of almost all internal organs.

So , here are the top 9 exercises:

1. Turtle.

Gently tilt your head back and touch the back of your head with your back. In this position, try to pull it into the shoulders vertically. Then gently tilt your head forward.

In the same way ( strictly vertically), pull it into yourself. Press your chin to your chest , trying to touch your navel with it. At first, work effortlessly , then with slight tension. Make 10-15 movements in each direction.

2. Owl.

Place your head straight - in the same plane with your back. Slowly look away to the right or left and turn your head all the way behind it.

Each time try to turn your head as much as possible , but be careful. Do 10-15 movements in each direction.

3. Scales.

Place half-bent hands on your shoulders. Raise one shoulder up , lower the other down , tilt your head slightly in the same direction.

Bend the spine of the upper thoracic region and each time try to increase the deflection a little. Do the same in the other direction , focusing on the position of the spine.

4. Train.

Stretch your arms at your sides and imagine that your shoulders are the wheels of a steam locomotive.

Move on - gradually , slowly and expanding the range of circular motions. Try to do one revolution per second. Breathe evenly , remember to keep your spine straight.

5. Bow.

Rest your fists on your back in the area of ​​​​the kidneys. Try to bring your elbows as close as possible , imagining that the fists are sinking deeper into the body. Bend your spine like a stretched bow.

Reverse movement: begin to “stoop”, bending the lower thoracic spine in the opposite direction. Having reached the limit , try to bend a little more .

6. Skier.

Place your hands behind your lower back. Keep your back straight , look ahead.

From this position, bend forward , more and more stretching the muscles of the lower back.

7. Standing backbend.

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