We remove salt deposits on the neck at home

The deposition of salts on the neck is called osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. As a consequence , that the cervical spine is a very important part of the body, violations in this area lead to serious disorders of the whole organism.

The neck area is a place of concentration of blood vessels and nerves that feed the tissues of the neck , face , and skull. In addition , due to pinched nerve endings, headaches , numbness of the limbs , muscle weakness , fatigue, etc.

You will need:

  • potato;
  • honey;
  • fir oil;

1. Prepare a compress on the cervical region.

2. Take raw potatoes grated on a fine grater and mix with honey in a ratio of 1:1.

3. Apply a compress from the prepared mass on the neck and shoulder girdle.

4. Place compression paper on top and , after warming , fix with a bandage. Leave the compress for 2 hours.

5. After removing it , wipe the place of the compress with a damp warm cloth and grease with fir oil. The course of treatment is 7-10 procedures.

Before using this method of treatment, consult your doctor!

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