What diseases does turmeric treat?

Natural treatment. Whether it's back pain , joint pain, or headache , most people turn to drugs like Motrin or Advil to relieve pain. They usually start with the recommended amount , but when that doesn't work , adding a few more is a very common practice.

In fact , the FDA has issued a risk warning for these drugs. They also advise people not to take two NSAIDs at the same time with the same active ingredients. The FDA is now asking manufacturers of prescription NSAIDs to change their labels and add more accurate information about the risks associated with stroke and heart attack.

The most common problems caused by these drugs include digestive ulcers and bleeding. been scientifically proven to be associated with an increased risk of other conditions such as kidney damage , atrial fibrillation, and delayed healing of fractures and soft tissue injuries .

More recent evidence suggests that taking these drugs at recommended doses and for a short time is enough to cause serious side effects.

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