The simplest Japanese method of treating the stomach and esophagus

The easiest way to get rid of stomach problems once and for all!

The power of health and beauty in natural recipes! More interesting information and useful tips and recipes on our website

It's the simplest thing you 've ever heard. Just start drinking water every morning , just as you wake up. This is backed up scientifically. The use of water in our daily life can cure some serious diseases.

Drink water on an empty stomach

This is a 100% effective treatment. When you wake up in the morning , before even brushing your teeth , you need to drink four glasses of 160 ml of water.

After that , you can brush your teeth , but you can't eat for the next 45 minutes. When this time passes , you can start your day as usual.

But after every meal , whether it's lunch or dinner , you NE can eat something else in the next two hours. If you are really sick or just can't drink that much water , you can start with one glass and build your way up to four glasses.

This method will provide you with energy and help you get rid of the disease that is bothering you. Take a look at the following table , how many days it takes to treat certain diseases.

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