Categories: Health

The neck is the bridge between body and mind...

There are 4 major arteries and 8 major nerves in the neck area , not to mention the spinal canal. They carry out blood supply to the head , organs of the thoracic part of the body and upper limbs , carry out various types of irritations , controlling nervous activity.

A healthy NECK AND COLLAR ZONE is an important link between body and mind. Such a philosophical definition of the neck can be found among specialists in oriental relaxation practices , and here's why they think so: Of the six sense organs, four are located in the head , and therefore it determines the direction of body movement. At the same time, it is the neck that makes it possible to realize the movement by turning the head. In the cervical-collar zone there is a very important , from the point of view of Chinese medicine , energy and reflexogenic zoneresponsible for brain activity and hand movement.

The human head weighs an average of 4-8 kg and is supported only by seven small cervical vertebrae , which are cushioned by intervertebral cartilage. But to help the vertebrae, nature gave a person a complex of 32 cervical muscles that hold the head in an upright position , actively contribute to its movement and perform protective functions. And there is something to protect!

There are 4 major arteries and 8 major nerves in the neck area , not to mention the spinal canal. They carry out blood supply to the head , organs of the thoracic part of the body and upper limbs , carry out various types of irritations , controlling nervous activity.

If the muscles of the neck and collar zone are overstressed, then this is reflected in the work of blood vessels or nerve endings , and in the blood supply to muscle tissues , impairs metabolism and oxygen supply to the brain. As a result, you feel pain in the muscles of the neck and collar area , as well as severe headaches , stiffness of movements in the shoulder girdle.

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