Categories: Health

Japanese Technique: Dip your feet in this mixture and cleanse your entire body!

There are bacteria and toxins in our body that need to be disposed of in time. Otherwise, they will cause various health problems and serious diseases.

There are many detox methods , but the most effective of them all is this foot technique.

Most of the body's nerves are located in the legs. This is why detoxification of the body is much more effective with the help of the feet.

Fill a basin with hot water and add 1/2 cup Epsom salts , 1/2 cup baking soda , 1/2 cup sea salt , 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar, and a little essential oil of your choice. Mix well until all the ingredients are dissolved , and dip your feet into it.

Keep your feet in the water for 30 minutes. But if you feel weak , do not worry, as it is part of the detox. It is also recommended to increase the intake of magnesium in the daily diet.

In order to increase the level of magnesium in the body , you can make a bath with half a glass of Epsom salts and an essential oil of your choice. Stir until diluted and add bentonite clay to the water previously mixed with water .

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