Roller exercises for those with back pain

With the help of a roller for the back, you will return the mobility of the chain of the facet joints, running on both sides of the spine. The roller looks like a rolling pin with a curved surface , formed by two rounded protrusions around a central recess. It is placed under the back , so that the nodes of the spine are located just in the central recess; so you can develop joints on both sides , rolling on the floor up down on the roller.

Roller exercises for those with back pain. Beauty and health at home

How and why to use a back roller

The roller is most effective when used in the thoracic spine, where the facet joints are closest to the surface, but he does a good job with the lumbar segments, restoring their mobility. Rolling on a sore spot and thereby pressing on a stiff joint , you feel a characteristic pain.

Dorsal roller

In order to purposefully develop lumbosacral facet joints, position the roller directly over the two dimples at the very bottom of your back (exactly there, where it hurts more), and then bend over, then bend on the roller. The back bends around the roller , allowing the pelvis to drop to the floor. When the back muscles relax , you will feel a rather pleasant pain. You can get to one joint , placing only one end of the roller under your back. The other side stays on the floor , therefore, the pressure on the problem joint increases.

The extremely sensitive facet joint is best treated with a tennis ball rather than , as it is softer and more elastic , which allows you to minimize pain.

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