Categories: Ideas

How to find out the character of a person by date of birth using the square of Pythagoras

These simple calculations will help you reveal the character of a person. To do this, you need to know the date of birth.

For example , this person was born on 03/19/1983 . Let's start adding:

digits of the day and month of birth: 1+9+3=13;
digits of the year of birth: 1+9+8+3=21;
and finally + 21 =34.

It turned out 34, the first working number.

Now add the numbers of the first working number:

7th working number From the first working number, subtract twice the first digit of the birthday:

32 is the third working number.

In order to get the next working number , add the digits of the third number:
3 + 2 = 5

5 is the fourth working number.
There are two rows of numbers:

1 row - date of birth: 03/19/1983
2 row - working numbers: 34; 7; 32; 5.

Count the total number of digits in the two rows. In our case, there are 14 of them. This means that the person who is guessing came to this world 14 times.

According to Pythagoras , a person comes to earth 15 times , and then goes to live in another , more perfect dimension.

Now draw a 3 by 3 square and divide it into 9 small squares as shown in the picture.

In the first box, enter all the units from the received 1st and 2nd row of numbers , in the second - twos , in the third - triples and so on.
Now let's see what these numbers tell us.

Square 1. Character

1 - egoist;
11 - selfish person , but sometimes he can think about others;
111 - a person with a positive stable character;

1111 - the character is very strong-willed and strong;
11111 - tyrant and dictator;

111111 - a cruel person , but for loved ones he will do anything. Extremely unpleasant in communication. Such people , fortunately , are very rare.

Square 2. Bioenergy

There are no deuces. There is no biofield. The channel is open for active absorption of energy. Such people like old things ( collectors).

They treat others well , but at the same time they try to profit at the expense of others , “absorbing” their biofield;

2 - there is enough bioenergy for life , but at the moment it is not enough , so you need to go in for sports.
These people are hypersensitive to atmospheric changes; 22 - there is enough bioenergy , such a person is able to heal other people;

222 - good psychic;
2222 - these people are very fond of the opposite sex. However, if three sixes are added ( 666), you need to be more careful!

Quadrant 3. Organization and ability to science

No triples - A very neat and punctual personwho stands out among those around him with cultural speech and good breeding;

3 - for such people it all depends on the mood. They do not like mess , but the cleaning is carried out again depending on the mood ( if I want, I do. I want - no);
33 - good abilities in the exact sciences ( mathematics , physics , chemistry);

For any suggestions on the site: stavstudio@cp9.ru