Categories: Health

Points for weight loss: the secrets of Chinese medicine

Impact on these points will help with excess weight. By acting on magic points , you can not only normalize weight and improve skin condition in problem areas of the body , but also improve the whole body as a whole.

You can not massage within an hour after eating or on an empty stomach , in a state of intoxication , as well as in the areas of moles , warts , neoplasms , pustules , wounds , skin lesions , burns , etc.

In any case , using acupressure methods , it is necessary to additionally consult with a doctor about possible individual contraindications.

See also: Confucius point: a special place of power on the human body
Impact on these points will help with overweight: 2 magic points
With excess weightassociated , the following points should be used as additional ones.

Feng Chi Point

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