Double chin. Exercises that will remove it in a week

In medical parlance, a "double chin" is an excess of soft tissue in the chin area. Most often, such a problem in women occurs after 35 years , when hormonal changes begin to occur in the body and the first signs of skin aging appear: a fine network of wrinkles around the mouth and eyes , cheeks become sunken or vice versa more convex. An age-related second chin is often accompanied by another unsympathetic phenomenon , which is popularly called “bulldog wings” - the skin on the cheeks becomes heavier and falls below the line of the zygomatic arch.

Muscular imbalance of the neck is the cause of the double chin. Sometimes there is a genetic predisposition to the second chin. Also , by nature , it happens in people with a small jaw - the chin is not pronounced , and the tissues that are below have nothing to hold on to.
The second chin is also a sign:

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