Stylish skirt without a pattern in just 30 minutes ...

The structure of the pattern is not the most favorite step while sewing for many. But you can easily do without it by making a skirt in just half an hour.

What will be required

  • elastic band wide
  • textile
  • pins
  • clips
  • sewing machine
  • iron
  • threads

How to do

Cut the elastic to the width of your waist plus two centimeters. With a fabric width of 2.5 m, measure the selected length plus 2 cm.

Bend the bottom edge of the fabric by a centimeter and iron over the entire width.

Make another fold and repeat ironing from the beginning. Secure with pins. Sew the fold close to the inside edge.

Set the machine to the maximum stitch length. Sew along the entire length of the opposite raw edge.

For any suggestions on the site: stavstudio@cp9.ru