how to whiten teeth at home fast

If you want to have healthier and whiter teeth then try these simple remedies!

However, due to genetics , lack of time or money, we cannot give our teeth the care they need. That's why today we bring you a post with the best homemade tricks to get whiter and healthier teeth in just 2-3 minutes a day. Plus, they are quite economical!

Take care of yourself and be healthy and beautiful!

1. Banana peel

This is one of the most famous tricks. After , rub them with the inside of a banana peel for two minutes. This is due to salicylic acid and citric acid , which is found in the peel. As a result of regular use, it whitens teeth.

2. Bicarbonatria

Another of the most well-known remedies is cleaning with baking soda. It is recommended not to use this remedy more than once every 10 days because you may damage the enamel of your teeth.

3. Avoid tobacco.

If you don't know or don't look at images of tobacco boxes , then know that smoking is the biggest enemy of white teeth. The problem is that nicotine can change the color of teeth even to dark brown.

4. Cheese is a great way to protect your teeth.

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