There are 3 "weeds" that help restore cartilage and bones. Here they are

The famous herbalist Elena Fedorovna Zaitseva has been interested in herbal medicine since she was 8 years old. She knows about the properties of more than 1100 types of medicinal plants!…


Bananas, honey and water: say goodbye to coughs and bronchitis

Winters are terrible for those who struggle with coughs and colds. Coughs are sometimes caused by smoking, air pollution, and aging. It's simple…


How to look cheerful and fit even in old age

To establish a harmonious connection between the body and the mind, normalize breathing, restore loaded muscles, restore symmetry to the body and strengthen internal energy, regular ...


Diet minus 60 - menu for the week, table of allowed foods + recipes

Today we will analyze in detail the Diet Minus 60 system - a menu for the week, a food table and some useful recipes. I will tell you that…


With each new diet, the likelihood of gaining extra weight increases!

I think I will not exaggerate if I say that there is not a single woman - regardless of physique and weight - who, although ...


It's incredible! Get rid of a runny nose in 5 minutes without drugs!

Runny nose is a constant companion of the cold season. How to help yourself in the cold season quickly and without medication? Read in our…


4 tips will quickly save you from swollen veins, capillaries and varicose veins!

Very often, with age, stars, knots and spots of different colors appear on the legs. These are the first signs of varicose veins. Basic…


Yoga for the eyes: 8 simple exercises that will restore your vigilance

Yoga for the eyes: 8 simple exercises that will restore your vigilance. These exercises help relieve fatigue, improve vision and just relax.…


Ten reasons not to throw away eggshells

It's amazing how much we throw away on a regular basis, without even thinking about the fact that certain products can be used for good ...

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