A fun idea to use plastic cake wrappers. Ideas, tips and DIY master class

It is simply incredible that even from such unnecessary junk material as plastic packaging from under the cake, you can come up with something interesting, cute and ...


The man you shouldn't marry. How our grandmothers chose their husbands ...

The man not to marry in the 1930 recommendations. In this émigré book, published in Geneva in 1930...


Cleaning up the Japanese way: just 2 actions that eliminate chaos in your home

Does this thing please you, calm you down, is it pleasant and comfortable? Or it irritates, evokes unpleasant memories, dissatisfaction with oneself or resentment at ...


School timetable. Print pictures with your own hands: 50 options

We have put together the best collection of class timetable templates that will cheer up your kids and make getting ready for school more fun and…


Dr. Ogulov: Signs of problems with the gallbladder

What is the gallbladder for? In the body, bile performs the function of splitting (emulsifying) fats. And, if bile is poorly separated, emulsification does not ...


Horseradish leaves are the only plants that can draw salt through the pores of the skin.

In the morning, carefully remove the leaves - if there is a lot of salt, they crumble to dust. See which area has a lot of salt. Make so many...


Why do you need to put salt in your laundry? DIY ideas and tips

We all probably faced the problem that after washing in the washing machine, our favorite snow-white thing suddenly took on some other ...


How to learn to sew straight. Ideas, tips and DIY master class

For a machine stitch to turn out even, two factors must work simultaneously. The sewing machine, as the main tool, must be ready to work ...


How to close the gap between the bathroom and the wall. Ideas, tips and DIY master class

The problem of the gap between the bathroom and the wall is familiar to everyone. Even the smallest seam entails a lot of unpleasant consequences: a nasty smell ...

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