Anemia: What foods interfere with iron absorption

Anemia (or anemia) is a decrease in the number of oxygen-carrying red blood cells (erythrocytes) or a decrease in the amount of a key protein, carrying oxygen (hemoglobin), below a certain value. Normal levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells are different in different groups of patients , they are related to age and gender. Men have higher hemoglobin , in women it is usually lower. The same applies to the number of red blood cells.

Anemia is a common blood disorder that is most commonly caused by iron deficiency. There are situations when the treatment of anemia seems impossible. In such cases, the doctor informs the patient that his body is so arranged. Anemia always indicates that something is not working properly
in our body Anemia: causes and how to treat

The consequences of anemia can be serious. Iron deficiency makes it difficult to transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. , as well as energy production (in mitochondria), which leads to anoxia and weakening of the body. Anemia disrupts metabolism , DNA synthesis and neurotransmitter function, which causes memory problems.

The most common causes of anemia

Deficiency of food components necessary for blood production: iron , folic acid , vitamin B12 , vitamin C , copper.
Problems associated components : intestinal disturbance by intolerant food , most often gluten and milk. Parasites ( Giardia lamblia , worms) and fungi ( Candida albicans) are responsible for intestinal damage. The cause of problems associated with iron absorption may be a deficiency of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
Insufficient concentration of hydrochloric acid is difficult to diagnose independently. This is the task of a doctor or nutritionist. Abundant periods caused , among other things , hormonal disorders , bleeding of the digestive tract.

We can diagnose gastrointestinal bleeding through a fecal blood test. Women are advised to consult a gynecologist and study for the absence of fibroids. Anemia should not be ignored , as it can lead to serious health problems and can also be a signal of hidden diseases.

Anemia patients are sometimes prescribed synthetic iron supplements. They seem to help , but not for long. After stopping supplementation, hemoglobin levels return to below normal , which means the return of anemia.

Replenishment of iron deficiency

It is necessary to introduce foods containing iron into the diet . These include:

  • eggs , amaranth , oily fish , legumes ( lentils , beans , peas);
  • beet sourdough , beets baked in the oven;
  • nuts , almonds , sesame;
  • ecological dried fruits ( with the exception of sulfate), mainly apricots; green vegetables;
  • other products: kelp , ginger ( as an additive to soups , herbal tea);
  • spices: anise , cumin , mint , parsley , thyme , cinnamon;
  • beef ( if not allergic to cow protein).

Nettle juice or parsley juice is a good natural source of iron , folic acid and vitamin C. However, remember: nettle is not recommended for allergy sufferers. For the treatment of anemia, all green vegetables are excellent , as they contain chlorophyll , which has a positive effect on the absorption of iron. It is called the "blood of plants", since its structure resembles the structure of human blood.

Comparison of the structure of chlorophyll and hemoglobin
Which foods interfere with iron absorption

If anemia is detected, foods that impede the absorption of nutrients , including iron, should be avoided. These are tea , coffee , alcohol , all kinds of bran , spinach , chocolate , rhubarb , sorrel , dairy products.

If an iron supplement is needed , at the same time, dairy products must be excluded from our menu. It is worth choosing fermented milk products , such as cottage cheese or kefir. Iron absorption can be impaired by vitamin E taken as a dietary supplement.

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