Categories: Tips

This cleaner will clean everything!

This tool is now very popular , because it can clean almost any surface. It also copes with those pollutions , where all other means have failed. out what we're talking about yet About the melamine sponge , or eraser sponge . This unusual material copes with cleaning with a bang. also buy an eraser sponge at Fix Price

However, this versatile sponge is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. This miracle tool has not only pros , but also cons , as well as rules for use.

What is a melamine sponge capable of?

And she is capable of much , because the sponge is almost universal. It perfectly cleans tiles and seams from lime and soap deposits.

Cleans faucets and other metal surfaces to a shine.

Works great on grease.

Without a trace, washes the pen and marker , including permanent , from the floor , wallpaper and other surfaces.

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