Home test for the presence of candida fungus in the body and ways to treat imbalance

Home test for the presence of candida fungus in the body and ways to treat imbalance. Life hack: Candida fungus is present in a certain amount in any healthy human body, problems arise then, when the balance is broken. These symptoms may appear , like an allergic reaction, eczema or headaches...

Candida is a yeast-like fungus that is present in moderation in any healthy body. And although most people associate it with an infection , in fact it is not , candida plays a very important role in the process of digestion and helps to properly absorb nutrients from food.

However , if the balance of the fungus is disturbed in the human body , this can lead to the release of toxins and their entry into the bloodstream , which , in turn , is fraught with various symptoms. Here we can already talk about certain harm to health.

Very often, problems with candida occur when their level in the body decreases ( this can happen due to antibiotics , stress, or if a person follows a diet high in sugars and carbohydrates). Home test for the presence of candida in the body and methods of treatment imbalance. What can be the symptoms caused by an imbalance of the Candida fungus?

So, elevated levels of Candida or, vice versa, its excessive reduction can lead to an imbalance of bacteria, performing various functions in the body. As a result, a person may experience the following symptoms:

  • Allergy to certain foods
  • Irritability
  • Vaginal fungal infections
  • Cravings for sweets ( sugar)
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Bloating or constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • White coating on the tongue
  • Depression
  • Skin rashes , eczema
  • acne
  • Immune system disorders

Candida home test

The candida fungus test has been around for a long time , its origin is definitely unknown , but it is believed that it is very accurate and the results can be trusted.

1. When you wake up in the morning and have not had time to eat or drink anything yet , get some saliva in your mouth and spit into a glass of water.

2. After 30 minutes, you can look at the changes that have occurred with your saliva in a glass.

3. If saliva runs down to the bottom of the glass ( as if in strings), precipitates or the water becomes too cloudy , then you may have a problem with Candida.

4. If the saliva remained floating on the surface of the water , then this means that the level of Candida fungus in the body is within the normal range.
How does this test work?

Initially, the candida fungus forms in the intestine, but over time, as the fungus grows (yeast), moves into the gastrointestinal tract, reaching the small intestine first, then stomach, esophagus and, finally, oral cavity.

If the amount of this fungus in the body is excessive and it really reaches the oral cavity , then it is very likely that a white coating will appear on the tongue ( which can also cover the inner surface of the cheeks).

And if you spit such a raid into the water , then it will simply sink , as it will be heavier than water.

For any suggestions on the site: stavstudio@cp9.ru