What not to do at home: 10 main prohibitions of feng shui

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui will help you organize the space of your home and make it harmonious. In order not to attract negative energy flows into your life , follow the main teaching prohibitions , and your home will become a place of restoration of vitality and energy. Knowledge accumulated over the centuries.
The space in the house for each person plays a role. In order for you to feel under reliable protection , recuperate and live in complete harmony with yourself and your household , use the recommendations of the Feng Shui . The knowledge accumulated the centuries will help you get rid of any negativity and fill your living space with flows of positive energy.

Top 10 feng shui prohibitions

Prohibition 1.
Avoid hanging mirrors in front of the front door. Thus, you prevent the passage of energy flows into your home. Married life is negatively affected by mirrorslocated in the bedroom.
They are able to attract rivals and lovers into your relationship. In other rooms, mirrors do not pose a threat , however, remember that mirrors with chips and cracks are subject to immediate disposal. It is desirable that the house has a mirror that reflects a person in full growth without crushing into fragments.
Prohibition 2.
Never leave a trash can in front of the front door. Any dust , dirt and unnecessary rubbish poison the energy of space , causing irreparable harm to the health and energy protection of households.
Get rid of unnecessary things , making room for new useful and beautiful acquisitions that will soon appear in your home.
Prohibition 3.
Repair any broken items that you plan to use. Items that are not subject to recovery , throw away without pity and delay. This will help you get rid of negative energy , attracting happiness and abundance into your life.
In addition , broken objects lead to more quarrels and conflicts. Feng Shui teaching says that each faulty thing or object removes a problem from a person's lifeby taking it upon himself.
Pay special attention to leaking faucets and pipes. A constant flow of water does not contribute to increasing happiness in your home , so any leak must be fixed as quickly as possible.

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