Castor oil will "pull out" all the bad things from the body.

Castor oil will "pull out" all the bad things from the body. Why didn't I know about this before. Castor oil is a wonderful herbal powerful cleanser that people have been using for a long time. It is so strong that it pulls into the intestinal lumen all the negative accumulations of the whole organism.

Castor oil contains many organic acids. Thanks to them , intestinal motility increases ( automatic snake-like movement). Castor oil not only irritates the mucous membrane , it causes the villi of the intestinal mucosa to make high-frequency vibrations ( like grass in the wind). Even the cells of the villi themselves actively pulsate , starting to work like a pump ... And it is this action that produces an increased blood flow and the removal of toxic metabolites and fluid from the blood into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract.

The best day for a castor attack on various waste is Friday.

In the evening, take 1-3 tbsp. l. castor oil , drink boiled water. Three spoons - for people with a large body weight , over 100 kg. The effect will be felt already in the morning.

On Saturday morning again take 1-2 tbsp. l. oil , but you can’t go far from home. After three hours - a light breakfast. In the evening at 19 o’clock - one more dose so that the gastrointestinal tract responds well , and before going to bed have time to go to the toilet again.

That is , take castor oil only three times.

Sunday is a day of rest. You can no longer take castor oil , you can go for a walk , breathe deeply and slowly , think about the eternal , do fitness well , etc.

Daily movement , walking , running ( about 15 km or its equivalent) cleanse the psyche of overexertion , and castor oil frees the body.

On Monday after such a cleansing - with renewed vigor to work , on trips , you can go about your business. It is good to carry out such cleansing activities for three weeks in a row.

For any suggestions on the site: stavstudio@cp9.ru