Cleansing the body in 7 days at home

The body must be cleansed of "slags" - otherwise trips to the doctors will be inevitable. It is known that age and unbalanced nutrition lead to the accumulation of harmful substances in the body. Accordingly , periodically it is necessary to cleanse the body , using certain procedures. It is recommended to cleanse the intestines first , then other vital organs. Cleansing procedures can be entrusted to specialists from specialized medical institutions. However , there is an opportunity to put your organs in order without the intervention of physicians , guided by the methods given in the article.

Cleansing the body at home

According to the comments on this diet , the cleansing of the body occurs on each of the four days described below.

1. On the first day, the rectum is cleansed.

2. On the second day, not only poisons are removed from the body , but also salts deposited in the joints , as well as calcium deposits.

3. On the third day, the body receives fiberrich in minerals.

4. The fourth day is dedicated to the enrichment of the blood , the lymphatic system and in general all organs with nutrients.

Diet Basics

First day: you can eat only fruits and drink their natural ( without preservatives) juices. Based on my experience as a naturopath , I recommend eating apples , pears , berries , watermelon , peaches and cherries.

Second day: drink any herbal teas. You can choose what you like: raspberry , blackberry , chamomile , mint , St. John's wort , lemon balm tea or another , but always natural.

Third day: eat any vegetables, but only raw, stewed or steamed. They need to be cooked any fat, in its own juice.

Fourth day: cook a large pot of vegetable broth. In its composition, I recommend introducing different cabbages ( headed , broccoli , cauliflower , kohlrabi , etc. ), green peppers , onions , parsley , garlic and any other vegetables to which the soul lies . Personally, I prefer to add fibrous beans , zucchini , celery , parsnips , beets , dill - these are the plants that nature endowed with the maximum amount of organic sodium. this broth ( and only it) all day long.

7 Day Cleansing Diet - Don't Eat What You Shouldn't

This diet is based on species nutrition , which we will talk about later.

The main principle of this diet: do not eat what you can not. Plus, add some dishes that are especially beneficial for the cleansing process.

What can't be eaten?

  • no chips or crackers; no white bread and bread with yeast
  • exclude all sausages , fatty meats , all beef and pork , bird skin , duck and goose;
  • you can not eat anything fried , canned and frozen;
  • give up whole milk , sweetened yoghurts with
  • preservatives , ice cream and sour cream;
  • exclude peanut butter , muffins , cakes and other muffins;
  • pasta from premium flour;
  • margarine , hot spices , animal fats and tropical oils;
  • fermented fatty cheeses;
  • coffee , sweets , sugar and salt ( we'll talk about them separately),
  • carbonated and artificial drinks.

Comments on the 7 Day Cleansing Diet

1. Every day I strongly advise you to eat carrot salad.

For any suggestions on the site: stavstudio@cp9.ru