Do your hands go numb at night? It's not age. Health and folk recipes at home

Many people , especially those of older age groups , are familiar with the feeling of tingling , "crawling", awkwardness , numbness in the hands , especially at night. However, the symptom can occur at any age. The main and most common reason why hands go numb at night is cervical osteochondrosis or salt deposition in the cervical spine. This disease occurs in 70% of the population over the age of 50 , but the process begins after overcoming the 30-year milestone. Now more and more often you can find osteochondrosis in adolescents.

Among other causes of discomfort in the hands, there are diseases of the heart and circulatory system , atherosclerosis , vascular atherothrombosis , diabetes mellitus , hypertension , polyarthritis of small joints , inflammation in the nerves themselves , a lack of B vitamins. In the absence of any pathology, numbness in the hands may occur with an incorrectly selected pillow or an unphysiological position of the body and , above all , hands , during sleep. Many people have a habit of sleeping with their arms thrown up or under their heads , which makes it difficult for blood circulation in the upper limbs.

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How numb hands at night

Unpleasant sensations can be very diverse in their localization. It is very rare to find numbness of the entire arm.

More often, any part of it , which depends entirely on the cause of the disease:

1. Cervical osteochondrosis , spondylosis , hernia or protrusion of the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine , especially when the pathological process is localized in the lower cervical segments ( C5-C7). It is from this part of the spinal cord that the nerves that go to the arms come out.

In this case , depending on the suffering nerve root , numbness can be localized:
  • along the inner surface of the arm , from the shoulder to the tips of the 5th and half of the 4th fingers of the hand ( C7);
  • on the back of the shoulder and forearm , the back of the 2nd and 3rd fingers ( C6);
  • along the side of the arm to the thumb and forefinger ( C5).

With a common pathological process of the lower cervical region, the location of numbness may be different. Headache with cervical osteochondrosis is also not uncommon.

2. Carpal tunnel syndrome - compression of the nerves leading to the hand , in a narrow channel formed by the bones of the wrist. Occurs during prolonged activity associated with the same type of load on the hands by the type of flexion-extension movements ( working at a computer , playing musical instruments , assembling parts , assembly line). In this case, numbness of the entire hand or its parts is observed strictly below the wrist , sometimes there is numbness of the fingers. The overlying parts of the hand are not involved in the pathological process.

3. Polyarthritis of the small joints of the hand. It is characterized by the presence of manifestations only in the fingers.

4. In case of pathology of the shoulder or elbow joints, symptoms will occur in the underlying sections of the upper limb.

5. Diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders ( liver disease , kidney disease , endocrine pathology). This also includes the abuse of alcohol and nicotine , since the mechanism for the development of pathology is very similar. Numbness at the same time has an "ascending" character , begins with more distant departments and gradually , over time , "rises" upwards. This happens as larger vessels are involved. Usually two hands are affected at once , the sensations are symmetrical.

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6. With hypertension, dumbness of the hands at night appears only with an increased level of blood pressure.

7. Of particular importance is the numbness of the hands in diseases of the heart. Here you should pay attention to which hand is numb. If there are unpleasant sensations in the right hand , this can be attributed with a high percentage of probability to cervical osteochondrosis. But numbness in the left hand can be a sign of serious heart problems , such as angina pectoris or a heart attack. If the numbness of the left hand arose suddenly , especially at night , and does not go away within an hour , a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

What to do if hands go numb in a dream

1. Try to eliminate all possible factors:

  • replace pillow;
  • choose a more comfortable sleeping position , often changing positionso as not to allow the vessels to be pinched;
  • exclude the use of alcohol and nicotine , especially at night;
  • do not do work before going to bed , associated with a load on the hands.

2. Exercises for numb hands at night:

  • without getting out of bed , lie on your back and stretch your arms up , bend and unbend your fingers 50 times , then put your hands along the body and repeat the exercise;
  • rotational movements in the wrists;
  • stand up and close your hands behind your back in the castle , try to raise them as high as possible;
  • in mild cases, just shake your hands.

3. You can relax tense neck muscles with a light self-massage before going to bed and during the day. It is enough just to rub the neck with your palms , you can use anti-inflammatory ointments ( nise , fastum gel).

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4. In the absence of contraindications and depending on the cause, physiotherapy procedures can be used:

  • magnetic therapy on the neck;
  • phonophoresis , darsonvalization of hands;
  • paraffin on the hands , forearms;
  • electrophoresis with lidase on the area of ​​the carpal tunnel.

5. Folk remedies:

  • honey compress: spread honey on the numb areas of the hands with a thin layer , wrap and leave all night , a course of 7-10 procedures;
  • wild rosemary: 5 tbsp. crushed raw materials pour 1 glass of apple cider vinegar , insist for a week and use to rub numb areas;
  • a glass of hot water every morning on an empty stomach will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Save so you don't lose.

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Exercises for diastasis and sagging abdomen for women

Exercises from diastasis , from sagging abdomen for women! For many women, the stomach is a closed area , it is pulled , hidden , avoided by a man touching it , because modern culture has inspired a woman that the stomach should be like a man with cubes , flat , pumped up , then it is “beautiful”.

The belly is the seat of feminine energy

It is in the abdomen ( the area below the navel , where the uterus and reproductive organs are located) that a woman collects energy , her main strength is there. , a woman is arranged like a vessel , her main energy comes from the Earth and is collected in her stomach. Having accumulated there , this energy supplies the whole body of a woman , making her feminine strong and insanely attractive.

  • If there is enough energy in the stomach and it flows correctly , then the woman is feminine , soft , flexible;
  • confident in his strength and calm;
  • full of life , the energy of life bestowed by mother Earth comes directly from her;
  • she feels a connection with the elements and with nature , receives strength from her.

But there are only a few such women , in 80% of women there is an inguinal block in the body to varying degrees.

If a woman pulls her stomach , strains it , this gives:

  • Blocking of energy to higher centers;
  • Inability to deeply relax;
  • Constricted shallow breathing , inability to breathe through the whole body;
  • Women's diseases;
  • Heavy periods and PMS;
  • Accumulation of fears and anxieties;
  • Inability to receive pleasure;
  • Rejection of one's nature;
  • Rigidity , bone , lack of flexibility;
  • A tense belly is a tense life;
  • Development of male qualities.

Blocks in the abdomen form for several reasons.

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The main one is the relationship with the mother. Initially, we were connected to my mother through the belly , through the umbilical cord. From my mother we received all the emotions , all the information about the world.

If the mother was scared throughout the pregnancy , if she was not ready for the child, the child will most likely have a rejection of herself , an inability to enjoy and rejoice , because the main person in his life did not allow him to. It is from the mother that many fears , complexes and blocks , and many women are already strongly clamped from birth.

The next reason for the occurrence of tightness in the abdomen is strong fears and difficult emotional states: loss of loved ones , conflict relationships in the family , serious disappointments in life , long-held rage , anger , stress , life threat. All this accumulates in the stomach. They can be lived through the practice of letters , Holotropic Breathwork , Vaivation.

A woman needs to learn how to relax her stomach , accept it!

Easy pregnancy and childbirth

Many women are injured during childbirth precisely because of the tension in the abdomen and hips. During childbirth, it is important to relax the stomach and all internal organs so that the paths for the child open as wide as possible , and so that it is easy for him to pass. If a woman rocked the press before giving birth , but did not stretch, there is a high risk of injury and stretch marks.

Correct flow of energy

When the stomach is relaxed, the energy rises freely, supplying the whole body of a woman, nourishing all energy centers. That is why, in many traditions, women wore loose clothing - in Russia, a sundress , in India - sari, wide in Asia skirt-trousers and tunics. In such clothes, energy not only easily enters the body , but also enhanced by the shape of the dome at the feet.

Deep breathing

Now most women breathe on the very surface of the lungs , breathing is not deep and it does not supply the body with oxygen to the fullest. If a woman's stomach is relaxed , then she can breathe with her stomach through her whole body. Such breathing calms , pacifies , puts thoughts in order , rejuvenates , sets energy in the body in motion , brings grace , smoothness , fluidity to movements.

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Sexuality and attraction

A soft belly is very sexy for men , because a woman is a symbol of softness , tenderness , suppleness. Strong men like soft women , not only in character , but also in appearance. Because the outside reflects the inside.

If your man insists that you have a pumped-up belly with cubes , then he likes strong, masculine women , and what he wants from you , either a leading role and equal responsibility , or he is too susceptible to the social influence of advertising. You don't need to react to it. You have to accept yourself and then others will accept you.

A soft belly does not mean being full , even a thin girl can have a relaxed soft belly , it looks very feminine , with graceful curves. It's beautiful , sexy , feminine.

A more relaxed stomach can be made: Slavic gymnastics , oriental belly dancing , this is a good activity for a woman , which will help you feel more attractive , feminine , a charmer. They also help to remove groin blocks and clamps.

What should not be done with the stomach?

  1. It is unfavorable to pierce the abdomen. This blocks the energy on the lower centers , leaves the upper chakras de-energized;
  2. It is unfavorable to wear clothes that open the groin area. There is a lot of sexual energy in this area, and if a woman demonstrates it to everyone , then she is quickly depleted.
  3. It is unfavorable to wear tight clothing , it forms tension in the body , and the energy moves in the body according to the masculine type , forming the masculine qualities of character.
  4. The abdomen should be relaxed , but not sagging!

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Top 10 exercises for the press with diastasis

Diastasis is a divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles , as a result of which it sags , becomes flabby and does not look aesthetically pleasing. In addition , and back atrophy , there is a danger of hernias , indigestion , and prolapse of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.

What is diastasis and why does it appear?

As a rule , diastasis occurs in pregnant women as a result of an increased load on the abdominal muscles in the process of bearing a child. In rare cases, it can be caused by a genetic predisposition , weak abdominal muscles, or heavy physical exertion.

The degree of development of diastasis is determined by the width of the muscle divergence

  • 1 degree - discrepancy 2-5 cm;
  • Grade 2 - discrepancy 5-7 cm;
  • 3 degree - discrepancy more than 7 cm.

According to the localization of the discrepancy, it is divided into 3 types

  • above the navel;
  • under the navel;
  • mixed type ( both above and below the navel).

How to diagnose diastasis?

In order to independently diagnose diastasis , you must perform the following steps:

lie down on a hard surface;
bend your knees;
put your feet on the floor and move them as close as possible to the buttocks;
place your fingertips above and below the navel ( approximately 3-5 cm) on the midline of the torso;
Keeping your abs relaxed , lift your head and shoulders off the floor.

If you managed to find a hollow under or above the navel , then you have diastasis. The deeper this depression , the more severe your disease.

Indirectly, the divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles is indicated by back pain , an excessively wide waist , a change in the shape of the navel , as well as the presence of a large belly that does not decrease or continues to grow , despite proper nutrition and exercise.

What can not be done with diastasis?

After diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles is detected, actions that increase intra-abdominal pressure should be avoided . Such activities include lifting weights , laughing harshly or coughing , sleeping on your stomach , slouching, and doing classic ab exercises.

For any suggestions on the site: stavstudio@cp9.ru