Soak your feet in vinegar once a week and see how all your diseases disappear!

According to the Chinese system of reflexology , our feet have natural energy zones that are connected to a specific organ in our body. This means that through your feet you can cleanse your body , get rid of internal toxins and improve your overall health. Soak your feet in vinegar once a week and see how all your diseases disappear!

One such treatment is the apple cider vinegar foot bath.

Baths with apple cider vinegar have long been used for weight loss , relief of digestive problems , relief from respiratory problems, and to improve skin condition.

Our feet are exposed to numerous microbes on a daily basis , and the lack of oxygen causes infections , calluses , bad breath , and leaves our feet dry and rough.

Apple cider vinegar contains biologically active compounds that destroy bacteria and germs. Therefore, it is one of the most effective natural remedies for solving numerous health problems.

It eliminates odor , treats fungal infections , softens the skin , improves skin quality, and more. Besides , it is very simple and easy to use.

Foot bath with apple cider vinegar.

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All you have to do is heat the water , and when it is warm , pour it into a basin and place your feet in it. There is also added a glass of apple cider vinegar and a few drops of your favorite essential oil ( for example , lavender).

Soak your feet in this mixture for 30 minutes and you're done. Follow this procedure once a week and you will immediately see the difference.

To get rid of calluses , you should soak your feet in a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water for 45 minutes and then rub your heels with a pumice stone.

Ionic foot bath.

You can also use an ionic detox foot bath. One should use warm water to open the pores , and salt as an anti-inflammatory and astringent.

The ions are absorbed through the legs and your body gets rid of the toxins. If the water becomes dark , this means that the result has been achieved.

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