Soda baths for beauty and weight loss

Probably every house has a legendary tutu in yellow-red-white design . The same baking soda that "never runs out". But now you will have where to spend it with great benefit for your body and to maintain beauty! The cost of a pack of soda weighing 500 g starts from 22 rubles ( in St. Petersburg in the Metro network). But even if you take a higher price , it turns out that one package will be enough for you for 3 medium concentration soda baths ( to start) or 1-2 higher concentrations ( to complete the course)! 8-20 rubles for a healing and rejuvenating procedure? Well, beauty!

Can't wait to find out, Why soda baths are so useful? I share with pleasure!

Soda bath benefits:

  1. Allows you to quickly get rid of internal ( visceral) fat. This is due to the general detoxification of the body , plus the metabolism is normalized. of internal ( internal) fat. A soda bath will help speed up the process.
  2. Perfectly cleanses the pores and , as a result , improves the quality of the skin.
  3. Quickly relieves skin itching. For example , after insect bites , including bees. By the way , I of this effect : my dad kept his own apiary for a long time , despite strong allergic reactions in his body to every bee sting. He used only soda to relieve symptoms: he made a strong solution and wiped the bite site along with the swollen "bump".
  4. Accelerates skin recovery after sunburn. In this case, the water temperature , of course , should be as close as possible to body temperature.
  5. Heals the entire body due to alkalization. I will talk about this in more detail below , in a separate paragraph.
  6. Helps to solve problems with various skin diseases. Up to psoriasis. But in combination with a treatment program from a doctor!
  7. Strengthens and whitens nails. It also softens the cuticle and allows you to keep your hands in a decent shape for longer.
  8. Heals the feet ( reduces sweating , prevents swelling , helps to get rid of the stratum corneum faster).
  9. Gives anti-cellulite effect. Helps reduce the appearance of "orange peel". But it's not that soda literally burns fat. An alkaline bath normalizes metabolism ( more on that below), so the process of splitting excess body fat is accelerated , like all metabolic processes in the body.
  10. Normalizes metabolism ( metabolism). As a result of detoxification, the functionality of each cell in tissues and organs is restored. This directly affects the rate of reactions in the body: it rejuvenates. And when something that slowed down the work of organs disappears ( accumulated decay products , deposits), activity increases. Many people who take alkaline baths note the main effect of the very first procedure: a feeling of incredible lightness in the body.
  11. Cleanses the lymphatic system. The permeability of the lymphatic capillaries is even higher than that of the capillaries of the circulatory system. Due to this, the removal of "toxins" from the lymph flow is accelerated.
  12. Increases the chances of conceiving a child. But only if the diagnosis of female infertility is associated with increased acidity of the vagina ( fertilization cannot occur in an acidic environment).
  13. It alleviates the condition with osteochondrosis and salt deposition. But the bath in this case goes as one of the procedures in the complex of therapeutic measures.
  14. Helps with the first signs of varicose veins. In one of the comments to my article, a reader shared an interesting way to get rid of the "mesh on the legs" with the help of "soda pantyhose". The advice was given by the doctor , and his recommendation helped. Can you imagine how a whole soda bath works in this case?
  15. Lightens age spots. This is ensured by a high pH ( 8-8.5) and the bleaching effect of soda in general.
  16. Increases the barrier function of the skin. The alkaline environment makes the sebaceous glands more active , so a uniform lipid film is created on the skin without any creams and lotions. Own oil on the skin will always work more effectively than applied outside.


Attention ! Soda baths have contraindications , like any even the most harmless procedures! In particular , it is contraindicated for everyone who is prohibited from thermal effects on the body. For example , pregnant and lactating women , as well as with cardiovascular diseases , bronchial asthma , allergies , diabetes and other health problems. Consult your doctor!

It is strongly not recommended to take soda baths in case of skin damage ( cuts , abrasions), colds and in general any diseases in the acute phase!

How the effect is achieved

Baking soda is a hydrocarbonate , which when dissolved in water creates an alkaline environment. That is why such a bath is often called simply alkaline. But there is an opinion that only a mixture of soda and salt deserves the proud title of "alkaline bath".

Soda dissolved in water gives a very high pH level: 8.5. In the body and in the skin, this level is always lower and more "acidic". It turns out that? The principle of osmosis works.

Osmosis is the diffusion ( penetration) of molecules across a membrane. And the movement always goes only in one direction: from acid to alkali. Remember high school chemistry class? Alkali is the base. The acid will always strive towards it , and not vice versa.

Many people write in reviews that the first soda bath was even unpleasant: not everyone likes to watch some white lumps and flakes in the water. For some, the color of the water changed to dirty green or gray. Others just had some blurring. It all depends on the degree of internal contamination of the body. The cleaner it is , the cleaner the water in the soda bath will remain. In addition , the more acidic the blood ( which is bad), the stronger the "toxins" are drawn into the alkaline water.

Human skin has a fairly high permeability. It is necessary for our body for thermoregulation and metabolism. After all, the skin is also an excretory organ: through billions of sweat channels, decay products are removed to the surface along with sweat.

Capillaries are also highly permeable. Indeed, otherwise they could not ensure the transportation of various substances throughout all systems of our body.

Such permeability helps to remove many "toxins" from the body with the help of alkaline baths.

Salt dissolved in water also creates an alkaline environment. But! Soda - much more intense in cleansing processes. It significantly accelerates osmosis in comparison with salt.

A foam bath has the opposite effect: yes , it’s nice to lie down in a fluffy fragrant cloud , making “boots” on your feet, “mittens” on your hands, a coat on your shoulders , and a crown on your head. And in general, indulge in every possible way with light foam. But at the same time, the active action of washing substances is on our skin. Far from useful: what is sodium laureth sulfate worth. As a result, we get out of the bath and see how the skin has wrinkled due to contact with water. And this is only what we can appreciate with the naked eye.

How to make a healthy soda bath

Main principle:

  • No need to strive to get instant results and make a concentrated solution , lie in the bath for an hour , and bring the water temperature almost to boiling water.
  • It is better to make a course of short-term baths with a weak solution than to lie down once in a hot concentrated one.
  • 3 times a week , ideally every other day. For a bath - 200 g of soda ( previously dissolved in HOT water). Total number of baths: 10-20 depending on the expected effect and the degree of "training with alkaline baths".

Alternative course of soda baths:

For any suggestions on the site: stavstudio@cp9.ru