How to lose weight at home and remove the stomach

A woman attracts with her life , emotions , fullness of inner radiance , and not the subtlety of her volumes ... Becoming slim is often a fanatically cherished desire of many women. Many of you have tried to lose weight through various diets and weight loss systems. Almost every woman today can write a book herself on how to become slim. Do you agree?

We , women , know so much about this , but still, for almost all of us, this topic remains problematic .
I don't know much about being overweight. Since childhood, I was quite a full girl , so the school was not without ridicule. All this grew into complexes ... At the age of 15, I decided to lose weight. Diets , whole weeks of complete starvation , raw food ... what only I didn’t do with myself then. And all this time I was constantly in a depressed , depressed state. While losing weight , denying yourself everything - this is stress. When the weight goes away , another panic begins - how to keep it on the achieved result?
Today I will not write about physical methods of losing weight: nutrition , sports , water ... You know all this without me.
I will talk about other methods of losing weight: psychological and energy. After all, this is where you need to start. And not at all with proper nutrition ... It all started when I fell in love. Yes , besides, I fell in love so that emotions jumped from endorphins to adrenaline , and then down together into hopeless depression.
During the year of this love, I lost 30 kilograms!!! I became not just thin , I became catastrophically thin.
From the joy of communicating with the object of love, I was shaking and no food went into my mouth. , I galloped like a horse , forgetting the last time I ate. Well , of course , getting into a terrible depression from quarrels , do nothing but cry.

Why am I writing all this? I do not offer you a similar method of losing weight. The point here is completely different. It's all about emotions! This is what I want to talk about today.

Why do we eat what we eat?

You all know that we consume much more food than our body needs. We can live in peace , eating once or twice a day , in small portions. Real physical hunger is hardly familiar to modern man. The hunger that we feel is the hunger of the subtle body , our energy shell. We can sit all day on the spot , doing some business , without spending any physical energy at all , but at lunch we want to eat.
Why? It's all about energy. Each product and each taste has its own energy. Ayurveda speaks well of this. So , for example , sweet taste calms , salty - concentrates , spicy - activates , bitter gives tone and patience ... Also , each product has its own personal energy. Some products have feminine and soft energy , others have masculine , some raise prana , others ground... when we want to eat, this is an indicator that we lack some kind of state. We lack a certain energy.

Why do women eat sweet stress while most men eat salty? Because a woman unconsciously tries to relax and calm down ( this is a property of a sweet taste), and a man tries to gather himself and activate his strength ( spicy and salty).
Digesting food , we connect with its energy , it fills us with its vibrations and our mental state changes. So , for example , there are situations when at a certain life period you had an addiction to some product ( it gave you the necessary energy), and then at one moment , you realized that you no longer want to eat it.

I remember I had such a period when I ate lemon peels. This coincided with a difficult astrological period. And I realized that this bitter taste on a subtle level gave me stamina and patience. I bought a kilogram of lemons , peeled off the peels and ate them with tea without sugar and honey. Everyone who saw it grimaced and squinted , but it was very tasty for me. But literally a month later , when this period in my life ended , my desire to eat peels completely disappeared. For a long time , friends brought 2 kilograms of lemons for tea , but I did not know what to do with them.
At least make some jam! We eat because we lack emotions and some kind of state . Please remember any day of your life.

  • Did you eat a lot that day?
  • Did you at all ?
  • When we are filled with positive emotions, we do not need additional sources of energy , which means that we do not need to compensate for its lack with the help of products.
  • Why Diets Don't Help

Usually debilitating diets help to lose weight only for a while. The subtle body accumulates energy hunger and one day we break down.

Here is what one of my friends , who was on a strict diet for six months, says: “One night I woke up and realized that I couldn’t do it anymore ... despite the fact that I achieved excellent results , my body was quite slender. But even that fact couldn't stop me. I started eating everything in the middle of the night. I started with salads , swallowed everything that was in the refrigerator , even ate all the sweets from the child's New Year's gift. I ate and could not stop ... ".

This is not physical hunger at all , it is a thin body exhausted without certain energies .
The physical body can endure hunger for a very long time and without any disruption , calmly return to nutrition. But the subtle body cannot do this. He needs certain states every day and if we n’t give them to him , then we begin to wear out emotionally , become twitchy , nervous , irritable. Remember the state when you are on a diet for a long time?
There is absolutely no satisfaction and peace in it. The key to a good figure is primarily in our subtle body. When we get a lot of emotions from life, our energy body is saturated , and appetite becomes minimal. Moreover, emotions do not have to be super-positive , the experience of emotions, in principle, fills the subtle body. If we live sadness , and do not suppress it , then it is also able to give food to the subtle body. As you know , not knowing how to live emotions , people just seize them.

Positive emotions have a special weight loss effect.

I decided to conduct an experiment , and for a month I planned something joyful for myself every day: a trip to SPA procedures , a visit to a beautician , a visit to the tonus club , delicious tea in my favorite cafe , a car ride around the city at night to your favorite music , a hammam , bath with all sorts of women's stuff , shopping ... in general, the list was long. And I noticed that during this month a few kilograms completely imperceptibly went away , although I have not been on diets for 4 years already. I ate when I wanted to , and the rest of the time I tried to spend as much time as possible in an emotionally upbeat mood. Then I noticed the same effect with my mother-in-law when we gave her a car. She literally melted 3 sizes in 1.5 months as she gets a huge kick out of driving. She admitted that she doesn’t feel like eating at all , she even forgets about it , especially when she has some kind of trip ahead of her. And then I began to see this pattern in a huge number of women.

In your life, there are also “high” zones in which you do not need additional nourishment from food , in which you are charged with positive and joy. Find them in your life.

When we live in harmony with our nature , with our body, we do not get hung up on food , our taste habits change , interest in products changes. Our consciousness is changing , and we stop wanting harmful products.
So , for example , if suppress ourselves in something , force us to do what we don’t like , then we, at the energy level , will strive for heavier , overwhelming food , with lower vibrations. These are chocolate , heavy cereals , all kinds of semi-finished products , pasta , noodles , mushrooms , etc. These products will give us the subtle power of survival , but at the same time they will physically destroy us.

And , on the contrary , during an energy upsurge, no one will be able to push heavy food into us , because it will not correspond to our vibrations. When we are well , we are satisfied , then we prefer light food with high vibrations to maintain this state.
It is important to pay attention to the state of euphoria , after which , usually , the desire to eat dissipates. Why? Because this is too much stress for the subtle body , and according to the law of balance, it begins to ground itself through food. Therefore, joy and lightness are good , and euphoria is a sign of unpreparedness for events , our body will try to balance our state either through heavy food or through a rollback into depression.
Be careful! Holy people eat a handful of rice a day throughout their lives , not because they so pacify their spirit , but because , being in contact with God , they get such deep emotions that the process of eating for them is just a way to support the physical body alive. We are not saints , but our energy body also requires emotions , deep states , joy , sensuality! If we receive them only through food , then our fate is sad ...

What do I suggest?

For any suggestions on the site: stavstudio@cp9.ru