Insect bites: 12 types and what to do + folk recipes

In the summer , when people go on vacation outside the city , to summer cottages or picnics near the lake , the risk of getting unwanted bites from various insects increases. Some pass quickly , and with especially severe bites, you should immediately contact the doctors. Read on for 12 of the most common stings you may experience while out and about in the city or abroad on an exotic vacation.

12 types of bites of various insects.

1. Tick.

The forest tick is the most dangerous for humans , as it is a carrier of dangerous diseases. The mouth apparatus of the parasite is designed in such a way that it allows deep and firm attachment to the skin. In this case, a person will not experience pain and can find a tick on his body even after a few days. It may turn out that the tick bit you and fell off. Then at the bite site there will be a red spot with a circle of several centimeters , and in the center - a black or red dot.
In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. What to do at home , with a tick bite? When there is no way to get to the hospital , the tick can be removed at home.
There are several ways: Using a thread. A loop is thrown on the base of the tick's body and gently pulled out , loosening from side to side.
The second way is tweezers. Here it is important to ensure that there is no rupture of the body. There are special devices for removing ticks , they are a special clip , you can buy at any pharmacy. Lubricate the bite site with an antiseptic , any.

2. Mosquito.

Visually, mosquito bites look like pink papules on the skin , having circle outlines , drops. If the bite site is combed , it will turn red , because the saliva of the mosquito will enter the surrounding tissues , which will increase the reaction. There are cases when an allergic reaction with edema appears at the site of the bite.

We treat mosquito bites

Leaves of black elderberry and plantain. After meeting with a mosquito, it is best to wipe this place with a mashed black elderberry or plantain leaf.
The leaves will help to quickly relieve swelling and disinfect the bite site. Ammonia . To relieve redness from a mosquito bite and itching , treat the skin with a cotton swab dipped in diluted ammonia ( a tablespoon of alcohol in 3 tablespoons of water) or in a solution of baking soda ( a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water)
. Attention!
Menovazin. In order to relieve itching , swelling and irritation , lubricate the sore spot with alcohol tincture of menovazine.
This is a very effective tool - no worse than advertised expensive imported gels. Garlic. It has been used for a long time for mosquito bites. It has already become a traditional folk remedy. Crush a clove of fresh garlic in a garlic maker and dilute the resulting slurry with a little water. Soak a piece of tissue in the solution and apply to the bite site. Garlic will quickly relieve pain and itching and prevent swelling.
Soda. Add a small amount of water to a teaspoon of soda to make a thick mass.
Make a small cake out of it and apply it to the sore spot. Wrap the top with a wet cloth. Change the cake after three hours. You can also dilute it with more water and often lubricate mosquito bites with this soda solution.
Salt . Mosquito bite blisters will disappear quickly if you rub them with fine table salt. Just rub the skin gently to prevent damage.
Laundry soap. Helps reduce itching and redness by lubricating the bite site with a very thick solution of the darkest laundry soap.

3. Wasp.

The wasp sting is very painful. A burning sensation is felt in its place , it swells and becomes red. Sometimes a wasp sting causes a headache , high fever, and a rash all over the body.
We treat bites of wasps , bees and hornets
Garlic juice. If you or your child is bitten by a flying "striped bandit", the first step is to remove the sting from the wound.
Then lubricate the skin with fresh garlic juice or apply garlic gruel. If it was not possible to get the sting , the wound began to fester and inflammation appeared , mix garlic gruel with honey in equal parts , lubricate the wound , apply a bandage.
The procedure should be repeated 2 times a day. Leaves of cabbage and burdock. An effective folk remedy for insect bites is cabbage leaf. Cut off the thickened part of it and dip the leaf in boiling water for just one minuteso that it warms up and becomes softer.
After that, apply it to the bite. For greater effect, grease one side of the leaf with honey and put this side on the sore spot. Wrap the compress with a bandage , and wrap a warm bandage on top. You need to keep the compress all night. By morning the pain will be gone. If swelling and induration remain , repeat the procedure.
, two procedures are enough for pus to come out of the bite and swelling to subside.
You can use burdock instead of cabbage leaves. Its medicinal properties are no less effective. Parsley and potato juice. To relieve itching , the bite site can also be smeared with parsley juice or a slice of raw potato can be applied.
Basil. Sometimes the itching from multiple bites is so strong that it comes to bloody scratching. A decoction of the medicinal herb basil will help to quickly solve this problem.

To do this, boil 2 tablespoons of basil for five minutes in half a liter of water. Leave to cool and drink half a glass 3 times a day. Lubricate the bites with the same infusion and add to the bath when bathing.

Mint. Pound fresh mint leaves to a pulp and lubricate the skin. You can fill a piece of gauze with grass , tie it in a knot , boil in a liter of water for 5 minutes. Then squeeze the knot , and lubricate the bites with a decoction or apply a gauze knot to them.
As you can see , the people have enough funds to treat insect bites. And they , as practice shows , are much more effective than the advertised "miracle" balms.
Yes, and much cheaper! So here the choice is yours. Well , in the end we will give you some tips on how to avoid the attack of small pests:

  1. When going out into nature , wear light-colored clothes.
  2. Try not to use perfume , aftershave, or any other fragrances so that the bee does not confuse you with a flower.
  3. Talk to your doctor and , if necessary , increase your zinc intake. Insects are attracted to people who are deficient in zinc.
  4. Before going outside , apply petroleum jelly to exposed areas of the body.

4. Bee.

Having stung , the bee dies. This is because , along with the sting, she leaves her digestive tract. Therefore, a bee sting is quite easy to recognize. The sting should be removed urgentlyso that the poison does not enter the bloodstream. Bee sting is the second most common cause of anaphylaxis. If you experience shortness of breath , decreased blood pressure , disturbed breathing, call an ambulance.
First Aid Measures
Most often , adults are aware of how their body reacts to a bee sting. With a child, the situation has an unknown outcome. In any case , the initial action must be taken quickly. The degree of distribution of toxic substances through the blood of the victim depends on this.

  1. Get rid of the sting immediately. It is better to do this with sterile tweezers or clean, disinfected hands. It is important that there are no residues left under the skin. Otherwise , and if dirt gets into the wound , inflammation is inevitable.
  2. Soak a clean cloth or gauze with ammonia or ethyl alcohol , vinegar , a solution of soda or potassium permanganate. Apply to the wound. Keep as long as possible , repetition is possible. This minimizes pain , disinfects and slows down the development of swelling.
  3. You can wash the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body with soap ( 72% household soap is better) and apply ice.

5. Hornet.

The insect pierces the skin like a bee , however , the sting does not leave in the wound. The bite site swells up , turns red , there is a sharp pain. Among the symptoms of a hornet bite: rapid pulse , nausea , vomiting , cold extremities , bluish tint to the lips , ears and neck.
Loss of consciousness is not ruled out. Small children and immunocompromised adults are very sensitive to a hornet sting. If the corresponding symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. First aid
In the event of a hornet bite, a number of measures must be taken to help get rid of the negative consequences. For example:

  • Take the victim away from this place where the hornet attacked , seat him in a comfortable position , unbutton the collar and loosen the belt.
  • The hornet does not leave a sting , so you should not look for it.
  • If the hornet was killed during a bite , then fragments of the sting may remain in the wound. In this case, it must be carefully removed in the most affordable way , disinfecting both the instrument and the wound itself.
  • The affected area must be treated with an antibacterial agent , such as a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Wipe the bite site with any alcohol solution. It can be vodka , moonshine , cologne , eau de toilette, or medical alcohol.
  • After that , ice or something cold is applied to the bite site.
  • The victim should drink an antihistamine to avoid allergic reactions.
  • In the event of a severe allergic reaction , immediately take the victim to the hospital or call an ambulance.

How to properly treat the bite site:

  1. All movements should be clear , but light , without pressure on the bite site.
  2. The treatment agent should be applied carefully , with light movements.
  3. In no case should you squeeze out the poison , since it is no longer at the bite point.
  4. , wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water so as not to infect the wound.

What is unacceptable to do:

  • Press on the bite.
  • Rub the affected area.
  • Burn the wound.
  • Warm up the swollen area.
  • Treat with iodine or brilliant green.

Traditional medicine
As a rule , traditional medicine uses natural , natural ingredients , basically. When people go on vacation , in nature , they can take with them pills for diarrhea or for quick digestion of food , but not for the bites of various insects , although , if you are extremely careful , you can hardly feel the bites of bees , wasps or hornets , God forbid. But in nature, some plants that are always at hand will help overcome the effects of bites . If the hornet bit at home , then you can also use traditional medicine.
The following plants will be able to stop the spread of the tumor and redness:

  • Aloe juice or pulp.
  • Plantain juice or leaf.
  • Chopped parsley ( greens).

Cooking method:

  1. The bite site is washed with clean water.
  2. , plantain juice or aloe or gruel from chopped parsley is applied to the bite site
  3. Before this, the greens must be thoroughly washed.
  4. After applying the agent , the bite site is covered with a clean piece of cloth , gauze or bandage. Every 20 minutes it is necessary to change the compress or apply the plant juice again.

On a note! In any case, you will need an allergy pill. If this happened in nature and no one had an allergy pill , and the victim is bad enough , then he will quickly have to be taken to a nearby hospital or try to call an ambulance. Therefore , when going out of town for a picnic , you must always take antihistamines with you , as well as disinfectant liquids.

6. Flea.

The bites of these insects are most often observed on the legs. A flea can bite repeatedly. Bites look like small red dots. If you comb them , they heal for a long time , and dark spots remain at the site of the bites for a long time.
Flea bite recognition
Two punctures will be visible in its center , which will help to distinguish it from infestation by other insects. It also suggests that in this case the person is not dealing with an allergic reaction. A person feels the defeat of fleas immediatelybecause they cause pain. This is due to the fact that the parasite does not inject an anesthetic into the wound , but injects an enzyme that does not allow blood to clot.
This enzyme causes itching and swelling. First aid

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