Your birth month has a color - find out what it means for you

Each color has a special energy that can be used in different ways .
Before you know your color , you need to realize that for the most part it defines your deepest needs , and not who you really are.

Astrologer and numerologist Michel Bernhardt says: "Colorstrology determines the color that should or can help you come to balance."

Although you do not have to be tied to a single color. You can look at the colors of other months to see what you are missing and how you can use it. According to Michelle , this is a kind of "color treatment". For example , if you lack serenity , add more bluish September color to your life.

Bernhardt claims that each of the colors has its own special energy , which can be used in a variety of ways. For example , you can wear it on yourself , meditate on it, or simply surround yourself with objects of a certain color. Be creative in this matter.

Even if you do not use colorstrology for these purposes , it still promotes introspection , since you are in any case asking yourself what you are missing. In addition , for sure everyone is interested to know what colors patronize him , what they say about you and about those who were born in these months.


Color: Caramel.

Features: Logic , practicality , earthiness.

When to Use: When you lack stability and a sense of responsibility.

Meaning: "With the help of discipline and resilience, this color keeps our ambitions off the ground."


Colour: Intense lilac.

Features: Inspiration , imagination , inspiration.

When to use: When you feel emotionally stuck.

Meaning: “The bright lilac color helps us to comprehend the spirit of humanity and allows us to intermarry with those, who surrounds us.


Colour: Clear water.

Features: Compassion , intuitiveness , secrecy.

When to Use: When you need inspiration , want to hear your inner voice or lift your spirits.

Meaning: "Being fabulous and illusory , this color helps connect the conscious and subconscious worlds."


Colour: Bright red.

Features: Fiery , vigor , passion , courage.

When to Use: When you need a burst of energy , strength and fearlessness.

Meaning: "This color supports a person's enthusiasm and desire to win , giving him a competitive edge in competition."


Colour: Grassy green.

Features: Stability , prosperity , rejuvenation.

When to use: If you want to achieve a balance of power and essence.

Meaning: "Confident and full of life , this color promotes healing and stability."


Color: Gold.

Features: Stimulating , brilliant , inspiring.

When to Use: When you need help with communication and memory.

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