How to get rid of visceral belly fat

Do you go to the gym , try to eat as healthy as possible , and the weight stubbornly stands still or is the stubborn "tummy" still not pleasing to the eye in the mirror? Perhaps the reason is that the body has accumulated a lot of visceral ( internal ) fat. Getting rid of it is usually more difficult than subcutaneous.

Internal fat is not an enemy to our body. But only until then , until it accumulates in excess.

Good functions of visceral fat:

  • Protects internal organs from mechanical damage.
  • Maintains optimal body temperature.
  • Serves as one of the sources of reserve energy for the body.

What is the danger of excess visceral fat:

  • Raises blood pressure.
  • Interferes with the normal functioning of the intestines , liver and other organs.
  • It provokes the development of varicose veins ( due to the increased load on the legs).
  • It can cause a heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases ( due to constant pressure on the heart area).
  • Delays metabolism ( slows down metabolism).
  • Increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis. This is due to the fact that when visceral fat enters the liver , it is processed into cholesterol , which clogs blood vessels.
  • Insulin sensitivity decreases and , as a result , and may develop .
  • The risk of developing fatty liver. Occurs due to fatty liver cells.
  • The hormonal background is changing.

And all this is in addition to the aesthetic defect. After all, excess visceral fat invariably leads to an increase in the volume of the abdomen. And if your waist ( women's) has exceeded 80 cm , then it makes sense to seriously think about health.

How to get rid of excess visceral fat?

If the body gets rid of subcutaneous fat deposits in the first place , then our "interior fat" cannot be corrected so easily. And no liposuction will help here. But we can do it ourselves with a lot of desire and some patience.

1. Don't go on strict diets!

Ideally, don't sit on them at all. Almost any diet for weight loss is evil! While healthy eating is the opposite , only benefit.

There is no way to get rid of visceral fat with the help of drastic dietary restrictions. Even if the subcutaneous one goes away with such stress for the body , then the situation may well affect the visceral situation exactly the opposite. Extreme dietary restrictions only contribute to the accumulation of reserve reserves. With the help of "fast diets" you can lose weight only due to the loss of excess water and lost muscle mass.

2. Do not give up carbohydrates.

After all, they are a source of energy. When the amount of carbohydrates consumed in the daily diet drops sharply , the body , again , will rush to create strategic reserves of a reserve source of energy. That is, it will "overlay" the internal organs with an even greater volume of visceral fat.

Eat carbs! But if possible - only complex ones. That is, cereals , cereals , bananas , durum pasta. And try to meet with carbohydrates until 16-17 hours.

If you do not add complex carbohydrates to your diet, then sooner or later you will fall for the buns anyway, sweets and other empty sweets, which will bring no benefit and nullify all efforts.

3. Alignment - for breakfast!

This will tell you and folk wisdom ( eat breakfast yourself), and any nutritionist , as well as any adherent of oriental medicine.

When I began to follow this scheme , I noticed that , indeed , during the day I don’t feel like “snacking” at all . And in the evening I do not want something sweet. And as soon as you pay less attention to breakfast ( for example , just pour kefir over muesli), you start biting all day.

The most difficult thing is to retrain yourself for hearty breakfasts. Owls will understand. But I'm sure , what if I succeeded (lazy inveterate owl), then any other woman will be even more able to translate herself into good breakfasts.

4. Engage in the spine.

If someone had told me a couple of years ago that it works so hard , I would not have believed it. In recent months, I have seen so many "before and after" photos from people of different sexes and ages who were lying on the Fukutsuji roller that there is not even any doubt: posture and a straight back in general are the basis of everything: health , beauty , youth , well-being.

Specifically in terms of visceral fat: stretching the spine helps the organs return to their rightful places. And that abdominal fat , which the body was forced to accumulate in excessive quantities ( in order to avoid mechanical friction inside), begins to leave and be distributed differently. And the belly disappears before our very eyes.

I am not overweight. Quicker , even vice versa. But in my stomach after all happens to be imperfect. When did I start lying on the roller every day , it even returned its own height (added back in height 2 cm, lost after two births). Not even speaking about , that the stomach stopped sticking out - it became more accurate. No dice , without excess fat. Not sunken , but just natural, as befits a woman at 41. And the waist line has become much more pronounced.

How to lie on the Fukutsuji roller?

In fact , of course , any posture exercises will improve your health and keep your body youthful. Therefore, if you do not like the roller technique , then use other options. Thankfully , there are a lot of them.

5. Drink water!

Warm or closer to hot. Unless , of course , you want speed up and getting rid of excess visceral fat goes faster. The body needs water to transport and remove waste products.

I will not tire of repeating: the classic norm is clean drinking water at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of your weight per day. The figure can change upwards if a person leads an active lifestyle or lives in a region with a hot climate. And vice versa: the figure may become lower if the lifestyle is sedentary , and the region of residence is quite harsh in terms of climate ( here , however , there is a remark: hot drinks without sugar are useful in cold weather) .

6. Include foods rich in omega-3 , omega-6 and vitamin C

Together, these elements not only heal the entire body as a whole , but also help to establish metabolic processes.

For any suggestions on the site: stavstudio@cp9.ru