Why You Should Chew Dried Cloves

The medicinal properties of cloves are widely used in Chinese medicine. This fragrant spice is able to cure many diseases due to its unique composition. Cloves contain provitamin , A ( beta-carotene), B vitamins , vitamins C , E , omega-3 fatty acids , essential oil, and various minerals. The composition of the spice is really impressive , all substances work! Thanks to the advice of an intelligent naturopathic doctor, I managed to get rid of chronic tonsillitis: he strongly recommended chewing dry cloves every day. A miracle happened: terrible pharyngitis , which has already become familiar , finally receded!

dried cloves

Dried cloves have many other super qualities. After learning about everyone , you will certainly buy a couple of bags of this surprisingly cheap spice! Its cost is ridiculous compared to many medicines , but dry buds cope with problems perfectly.

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