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The meaning of moles on the body

Character , manners , sexuality , signs of fate and good luck - can be identified by moles on the body and face.

Carefully examine your face what moles you have (size, color, shape), in which part of the face or body they are located.


1 - The point of the famous third eye , between the eyebrows in the middle and a little higher.

The one who has a mole in this place has infinite intuition , intelligence and a thirst for knowledge with a bias towards mysticism.

2 - Right corner of the eye - Passionate , jealous , easily irritable person.
3 - Right eyelid - Poetic nature , a penchant for intellectual professions.

4 - Under the right eye - This mole is evidence of deep love and fidelity , as well as sensuality and generosity.

5 - Under the inner corner of the right eye below 1 cm - Changeable , confused temperament and short-term novels.

6 - On the bridge of the nose - Wanderlust , fantasy and creativity.

7 - under the inner corner of the left eye 1 cm lower - Unreasonable jealousy , the predominance of egocentricity in character.

8 - under the left eye - Boundless sensuality. Married life is rich in experiences.

9 - left corner of the left eye - In to love , a predisposition to unreasonable guilt and a tendency to quarrel.

10 - left upper eyelid - Excellent memory , diplomacy , earthiness.

11 - tip of the nose - Taste for the complication of love relationships and everything forbidden.

12 - right cheek - Tangled sentimental connections , a person surrenders to passion without a trace.

13 - right jaw - Frequent quarrels and quick reconciliations. Carnal love prevails over platonic love.

14 - under the right nostril - Sublime and mystical mindset , a feeling of universal love and a completely extraordinary fate.

15 - under the nose - Independence , love of pleasure and travel.

16 - above the lip on the left - Thirst for motherhood ( paternity), generosity , fidelity.

17 - the place of the earring in the nose on the left - Terrific seduces , a tendency to shocking behavior and scandalous events. Love diversity , but take marriage seriously.

18 - above the lip on the right - The victory of sensuality over all other qualities. Fantasy and originality.

19 - in the lower right corner of the mouth - Tendency to jealousy , thirst for a single and great love.

20 - left cheekbone - Difficult character , tendency to depression.

21 - left cheek , jaw - Taste for variability both in the intellectual and in the love sphere. And, of course, confusing connections.

22 - corner of the mouth on the right - Emphasized eroticism , sexuality and infidelity.

23 - lower jaw - Clear mind , orderliness. The will to grow both spiritually and materially.

24 - under the lower lip in the middle - Fragile psyche and health , insecurity.

25 - chin , in the dimple - The desire to acquire a traditional , strong family. In communication, a sweet and balanced person. Love for a quiet life and a penchant for conservative views.


Moles are no less important in the fate of people: convex in the form of warts , separate dark dots , more or less light small spots , they can appear in the process of life in the same way as they were given from birth. In different people, moles can differ in significance. For dark-skinned people, black moles are important , for fair-skinned people, they are convex. The appearance of new moles or an increase in the size of congenital marks reflects the actions we have committed in the same way as the appearance of new lines on the palm , wrinkles on the forehead and gray hair. If it were possible to follow all the moles acquired during a person's life , then many events would become understandable , a new color and meaning. Moles on the face are of great importance. In the East, their presence has always been closely associated with physiognomy - the art of reading faces. According to Japanese physiognomy , the face is conditionally divided into three zones - upper ( forehead), middle ( eyebrows, nose) and lower ( lips and chin). Each zone is responsible for a certain period of a person's life - youth, maturity and old age.

There is no person without moles - this statement is almost one hundred percent true. Each of us wears some kind of spot , which , however , contains important information about our character , possible inclinations , and fate. You just need to be able to unravel these wonderful signs.

A mole on the right temple is predetermined by a person's karma. Such a mole is rarely inherited. She marked special people , and again in one of the descendants she can appear only after a thousand years. She speaks of the presence of subtle intuition , the gift of foresight , a bright individuality. It is believed that such a mole must be hidden from prying eyes. The darker the spot , the brighter the qualities given by the gods.

People tend to see something mysterious in the shape of a birthmark. May be , drawings, semantic pictures. Counts , that the spot is in the form of a CONTINENT or PENINSULA, LAKES are associated with long-distance travel, different countries and peoples, their inhabitants. In such an interpretation , Certainly, it makes sense, especially since we remember the shape of an object of interest to us for a long time. In the same way, visual perceptions and sensations are deposited in our memory. , associated with certain real events. It is also important to take into account , that the karmic meanings of birthmarks can change throughout a person's life. It all depends on those actions , which he does. There are examples , when the spots, expressing trouble and even coming terrible changes, after a few years, they acquired a completely different meaning - people already associated relations with them in their family and even success in creative activity. I just want to add , that not everything needs to be judged by a birthmark alone. This is just another personality characteristic and additional information about the character. , human abilities. At the same time there are birthmarks , the meaning of which cannot be changed under any circumstances. Usually , these are signs of fate, protecting us. Their location can be on the head , and on the back, and on the hips. But they are always associated with the image of hands. , lips, eyes or heads.

Moles are no less important in the fate of people: convex in the form of warts , separate dark dots , more or less light small spots , they can appear in the process of life in the same way as they were given from birth. In different people, moles can differ in significance. For dark-skinned people, black moles are important , for fair-skinned people, they are convex. The appearance of new moles or an increase in the size of congenital marks reflects the actions we have committed in the same way as the appearance of new lines on the palm , wrinkles on the forehead and gray hair. If it were possible to follow all the moles acquired during a person's life , then many events would become understandable , a new color and meaning. Moles on the face are of great importance. In the East, their presence has always been closely associated with physiognomy ( the art of reading faces). According to Japanese physiognomy , the face is conditionally divided into three zones - upper ( forehead), middle ( eyebrows, nose) and lower ( lips and chin). Each zone is responsible for a certain period of a person's life - youth, maturity and old age. A clean forehead and its correct shape speak of the health of the body and spirit. A normally developed and symmetrical middle part of the face reflects mental health. If there is visible asymmetry , curvature , this is an alarming sign. As a rule , a person has certain deviations , oddities. The lower part of the face is responsible for the character of a person. A good shape of the chin , neck , cheeks speaks of kindness , honesty , decency , especially in mature people. Early "flews", sagging skin on the cheeks - a sign of greed for money , self-interest. Before you is a man capable of playing a "double game". By trusting him , you are at great risk. Such a person always puts material interests at the forefront. Double , triple chins are a sign of greed , deceit and greed. Do not lend money to such a person. In Japanese physiognomy, the condition and color of the skin , the presence of bulges , defects , and moles are of great importance.

In different interpretations, there are more than a hundred different zones of the face , according to which the character and fate of a person are determined. The main zones are located on the axis of symmetry of the face and capture parts of the face to the right and left of the axis. The presence of moles on this vertical line in the upper part of the forehead speaks of the difficulties that a person will have to endure in childhood and adolescence , in the middle of the forehead and in its lower part - about some difficulties in relations with other people - relatives , friends , colleagues. A mole on the bridge of the nose is one of the signs of fate. It's worth thinking about. A mole in the middle of the nose - failures are possible on the love front. People with moles on the tip of their nose , according to Japanese physiognomy , can become chronic losers. A mole located on the upper lip ( just under the nose) may indicate serious hereditary diseases. A mole under the lower lip and on the chin speaks of the willpower and strong character of its owner. In general, Japanese physiognomy interprets moles as signs of trouble , signs that do not promise anything good to a person. But I think it 's not. There are many confirmations of the happy meaning of moles. I believe that the presence of moles confirms the individuality of each of us. You can remove or apply moles only in extreme cases , when you are sure that this can change your life for the better. By the way , no one can tell you what to do with a mole , except for ourselves - the majority have a well-developed intuition , although many do not even suspect it. Most often, the karmic meanings of moles in men and women are the same , therefore we will talk about signs in general , without reference to gender difference.

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