With each new diet, the likelihood of gaining extra weight increases!

I think I will not exaggerate if I say that there is not a single woman - regardless of physique and weight - who at least once in her life did not want to lose weight.

Weight loss messages are bombarded with us every day from all possible directions: from social networks , from conversations with friends , from advertising , from newspapers and magazines, and it is not surprising that in such an environment external messages turn into obsessive thoughts of their own. Of course , the higher the weight of a woman , the stronger the pressure on her , but the intensity of the very desire to lose weight does not depend on weight at all.
What's wrong with me wanting to lose weight?

For some, the desire to lose weight is already a severe eating disorder , for some it’s just obsessive thoughts , for some, the hope that people will treat better , and most importantly , the hope that hatred of oneself and one’s own will stop tormenting body. Be that as it may , this question at least once in a lifetime confronts every woman.With each new diet, the likelihood of gaining extra weight increases! But the complexity lies in only one thing - in the methods of achieving this goal.

First: the question of how much weight you want to lose pounds. As mentioned above , thoughts about losing weight do not depend on weight - patients with anorexia in the stage of cachexia and at 28 kg may want to lose a couple more kg. If you succumb to this thought while being at your natural weight , then it is possible , as studies show , that after a while the kilograms will not only return , but the weight will also become higher than before the start of measures to reduce it.With each new diet, the likelihood of gaining extra weight increases!

Second: the methods by which it is proposed to reduce weight. Most often, these are low-calorie diets , about the dangers of which more than one volume of research has been written , but they are so tempting precisely because they give a sense of their own strength and control. But the point is not only in harm , but in their absolute inefficiency , they do not solve the task , but only exacerbate the problem. And banning certain foods as a way to lose weight often leads to obsessive thoughts about those foods and overeating of "permitted" foods.

That is , if your weight is within the BMI or so ( yes , this is an outdated criterion that does not prove anything , but at least so) and you nevertheless have obsessive thoughts to lose weight - the main thing is not to touch anything , because it is too likely to get not only eating disorder , but also really overweight, and with each new diet, this probability grows.

This is usually followed by a second question: What about obesity and health risks? Are you suggesting that you love yourself and do nothing?

Yes , love ( or at least not hate) yourself and others at any weight and in any state of health. Hatred will not only not solve , but will definitely exacerbate any problem.

Now to the question "what to do"

Let's imagine a situation that you read somewhere that is bad for health , for example , the presence of red furniture at home , that it can cause problems with the heart , with blood vessels, and in general , if people see it at home , they will criticize you and be disrespectful. Even if you have a couple of your favorite scarlet chairs, there is still a high chance that you will throw them away and forget about it in a couple of days and never buy red furniture again.

This is a simple solution , because the method of solving this "problem" is not related to something that you have a deep need for and this something is not part of you. It's just a red chair , you lived without it and you will live on.

However , getting rid of fat is about transforming a part of yourself. Getting rid of the food that attracts you is not satisfying one of your intense needs. And that is why , no matter how much they invest in promoting thinness , no matter how much they say that sugar is like heroin ( this , by the way , is not true - when was the last time you ate sugar from sugar bowls with spoons? should be consumed by a person , not cakes and chocolate within the framework of their preferences) - this will not work , because no matter how it seems to lovers of prohibitions and simple solutions , this problem is not solved ( sometimes , as already mentioned above , because there is no Problems).

The diagnosis of obesity has been recognized by the American Medical Association as a separate disease relatively recently and with great debate. Because , firstly , not everything is so simple with its diagnostic criteria , and secondly, it is like a headache - it can be a symptom of so many problems.

Weight gain itself cannot be considered a disease. Sometimes weight is gained with age and this is normal , it has a protective function. Sometimes weight is gained after diets and this is normal , the body stocks up once it “sees” that hungry times have come. Sometimes girls gain weight before entering puberty and this is normal. Sometimes weight gain during recovery from eating disorders and this is normal. Sometimes weight gain is due to mental disorders ( primarily depression and anxiety disorders). Sometimes weight gain is due to lack of sleep. Sometimes weight gain is due to hormonal imbalances. Sometimes weight is gained due to stress in important areas of life ( illness , moving , divorce , financial difficulties , etc. ) Sometimes weight is gained because a person has no other way to cope with life ( and of all self-destructive patterns , it is overeating for society does not pose any threat , but it is these people who are subjected to enormous social pressure , and other patterns , for example , dangerous driving , alcohol , drugs, are sometimes also romanticized). Sometimes there are genetic metabolic disorders - you must have heard very rare cases when a child eats and is always critically thin on the verge of death and reverse - when a child weighs 100 kg at 8 years old. Guess which of them in a fatphobic society parents will be accused of ? The list can go on and on , but is there really a universal answer for all this multitude of problems?

Therefore, "what's wrong with wanting to lose weight" - it's bad to simplify the situation. The very request “I want to lose weight” is incorrectly formulated , which means it is impossible to answer it , at least in such a way as to achieve exactly the results that are actually encrypted in this desire.With each new diet, the likelihood of gaining extra weight increases!

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