Hormones that make women age faster than they should...

Hormones that make women age faster than they should. Get to know them by name! Among the dozens of hormones produced by our body , there are six that are essential for a woman's appearance. They are responsible for the elasticity of the skin , the loss of which becomes one of the first and most noticeable signs of aging.

Hormones that make women age faster than they should...

If for some reason the body's hormonal background is disturbed , aging can begin prematurely. Fortunately , there are ways to correct the imbalance and prolong youth! Hormones that cause women to age faster than they should, let's figure out what these 6 hormones are.

1. Dehydroepiandrosterone ( DHEA).

DHEA is a hormone that has a calming and anti-aging effect. True , in sufficient quantities, our body produces it only up to 30 years. And then the muscle tone begins to fall , the vessels become brittle , the skin loses its elasticity , and all this is due to DHEA.

How to raise your DHEA levels:

Fatty acid. Include healthy fats in your diet - from them the body produces DHEA. Nuts , seeds , oily fish , avocados contain essential polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Protein. Eat protein foods for breakfast - they help fight mood swings and stabilize the nervous system at the very beginning of the day.

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2. Insulin.

Insulin raises blood sugar levels , and when it gets out of control , early signs of aging appear on the skin. High sugar levels lead to wrinkles and sagging skin.

Due to glucose, a process called glycation ( the bonding of sugar molecules and proteins) proceeds faster than it should be due to age , and collagen and elastin are destroyed. Elastic skin becomes fragile and dehydrated.

Hormones that make women age faster than they should...Hormones that make women age faster: How to control insulin levels:

Blood analysis. First of all, consult a doctor to find out your sugar level. And after consulting with a specialist, auxiliary methods can be applied.

Cosmetics. Creams and serums with retinoids ( vitamin A and its derivatives) stimulate collagen production. Cosmetics should contain vitamins C and E , as well as green tea - they act as antioxidants.

Sunscreen. Use sunscreen every day , even in winter. The sun's rays destroy elastin fibers and contribute to rapid aging.

3. Cortisol.

High levels of the stress hormone cortisol lead to premature aging. Depending on the type of skin, the negative effect of cortisol manifests itself in different ways: a gray complexion , dryness and flaking , deep wrinkles or increased oiliness and acne. This hormone breaks down collagen fibers and makes the skin flabby.

How to lower cortisol levels:

  • Drink enough water.
  • Slight dehydration raises the levels of this hormone.
  • Nutritional supplements.
  • Supplements with rhodiola rosea reduce the level of anxiety and at the same time cortisol.
  • Soft music.
  • Music therapy reduces stress levels, scientists say.
  • Meditation. Meditation literally causes the body to lower cortisol levels without medication.

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4. Melatonin.

Melatonin regulates our circadian rhythms , that is, it tells the body when it's time to rest. All cell renewal processes occur during sleep , and if it is disturbed , then people begin to age prematurely. From a lack of melatonin, wrinkles appear , as well as hair loss and age spots may form.Hormones that make women age faster than they should...

How to Raise Melatonin Levels:

  • Proper nutrition.
  • Melatonin is found in bananas , tomatoes , rice, and corn.
  • Habits. Alcohol , smoking and caffeine are contraindicated. With their use, the production of the hormone simply stops. Some drugs also have this effect - beta-blockers , sleeping pills and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Nutritional supplements. Melatonin can be taken in tablet form.
  • Some experts believe that after 35 years of age, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of melatonin artificially.
  • Be sure to consult your doctor.

5. Somatotropin.

With age, everyone has a somatopause - a deficiency of growth hormone somatotropin. With a decrease in somatotropin levels, muscle mass decreases , but excess fat and wrinkles appear , mood worsens and endurance decreases.

Some resort to injections of growth hormone , but this method has a lot of side effects: swelling , headaches, and even uncontrolled growth of bones and internal organs.

How to raise the level of somatotropin:

  • Physical exercise.
  • Exercises such as walking at a speed of 4-6 km / h , weight training ( 10-15 repetitions each) will be useful.
  • Ideally, strength training should precede aerobic exercise - first dumbbells , and then a walk in the fresh air.
  • Temperature difference. Going to the sauna or taking a contrast shower stimulates the production of growth hormone.
  • Bioadditives. Gamma-aminobutyric acid ( GABA , GABA) improves sleep and increases growth hormone levels.

6. Estrogen.

Estrogen causes fibroblast cells to produce collagen and elastin. With a lack of estrogen, wrinkles appear , the oval of the face loses its shape , and the chest sags. And the changes concern not only the skin: the lower the level of estrogen , the faster the whole body wears out.

Hormones that make women age faster: How to raise estrogen levels:

  • Proper nutrition.
  • Consume soy milk , brown rice , flaxseed , fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Meat products suppress the production of estrogen , so it is better to reduce the intake of animal protein.
  • Cosmetics. You can use creams with phytoestrogens. For example , licorice root contains liquiritin, an antioxidant that stimulates collagen production.
  • Serums and creams with this component help slow down aging.

Nutritional supplements. Phytoestrogens are also sold as supplements with red clover , oregano, or black cohosh. And although they do not belong to hormonal drugs , you should still not take them without consulting a doctor. These were hormones because of which women age faster than they should. Do you follow the hormonal balance?

Save so you don't lose.

Hormones that make women age faster than they should. Get to know them by name! Among the dozens of hormones produced by our body, there are six that are essential for a woman's appearance. They are responsible for the elasticity of the skin, the loss of which becomes one of the first and most noticeable signs of aging.

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