Yoga for the eyes: 8 simple exercises that will restore your vigilance

Yoga for the eyes: 8 simple exercises that will restore your vigilance.
These exercises help relieve fatigue , improve vision and just relax. You can do them at home or at work: just set aside a few minutes and take care of a relatively calm environment. The main thing is to practice daily.

All exercises should be done while sitting with a straight back. At the end of each one, close your eyes and rest for a few seconds.

Exercise 1

Close your eyes , take a few deep breaths to relax your body. Then rub your palms and place them over your eyes. Stay in this positionuntil the hands give off heat. Then , without opening your eyes , rub your palms again and again attach them to your eyes. Do the exercise three times.

Exercise 2

Open your eyes and blink rapidly 10 times. Then close your eyes , relax for 20 seconds and listen to your breath. Repeat the exercise five times.

Yoga for the eyes. Exercise 3 Yoga for the eyes: 8 simple exercises that will restore your vigilance

Clench your fists and raise your thumbs. Extend your arms at eye level. Look at the space between the eyebrows , look at the thumb of the left hand. Look again at the space between the eyebrows , and then at the thumb of the right hand.

Inhale looking at the space between the eyebrows and exhale looking at the fingers. Do 10 to 20 repetitions.

Exercise 4

Put your hands on your knees , keep your head straight. Look at the dot in front of you. As you exhale, look down at the thumb of your left hand , while inhaling, look again at the point in front of you.

Repeat the same with the finger of the right hand.

Exercise 5

Relax your left hand and let it rest on your knee. Right , clenched into a fist with a raised thumb , pull forward. Make five circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise with your right hand. Follow the movement of your thumb with your eyes. Inhale , describing the upper part of the circle , and exhale at the bottom.

Repeat the exercise with your left hand.

Yoga for the eyes. Exercise 6

Lower your hands to your knees ( fists clenched , thumbs pointing up). As you inhale, begin to gradually raise your right hand and follow the movement of your thumb. Do not bend your elbow or move your head. When the finger reaches the maximum point of view , begin to exhale and lower the hand , still following the thumb. Do five repetitions for the right and left arms.

Exercise 7

Stretch your right hand in front of you , make a fist and raise your finger up. Focus on the tip of your finger. As you inhale, begin to slowly bring your hand closer to your nose , without taking your eyes off your finger.

Touch your nose with your finger , hold your breath and stay in this position for a couple of seconds. Then exhale and slowly return your hand to the starting position , continuing to focus on the finger. Do five reps.

Yoga for the eyes: 8 simple exercises that will restore your vigilance

Yoga for the eyes. Exercise 8

Choose a remote point or sit by the window and look at the horizon. Then move your gaze to the tip of your nose and keep looking at it for 5-10 seconds. Inhale while looking at the nearest point , and exhale while looking at the far point. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times.

If you are doing this complex at home , then at the end lie down in shavasana and try to relax completely in a few minutes.

Eye exercises should be done every day , especially if you spend a lot of time at the computer. In order not to forget about charging , use the Eyexercise service. At the beginning of every hour, it will remind you to take a break and suggest some eye exercises.

The Google Chrome extension "Eye Rest" works in a similar way. It also allows you to independently set the duration of breaks in work and the interval between them.

There is only one caveat: if you have serious vision problems ( glaucoma , cataracts , retinal detachment), you should consult a doctor before doing any eye exercises.

Important: all information provided on the website is for INFORMATION only and does not replace consultation , professional medical care. If you have any health problems, contact a specialist immediately.

Yoga for the eyes: 8 simple exercises that will restore your vigilance

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