Not everyone has a blood pressure monitor at home. Of course , if you have hypertension or a tendency to frequent pressure fluctuations , such a device is a must. But you can still do without it.
And if you feel bad at work or on the street , in the theater? What to do? Have three devices - at home , at work and in your purse?
I have just three for all cases , only this is not a tonometer , but an ordinary stationery ruler and a nut on a string.
I will tell you how this device works. And I learned about this method from the book of Valentina Travinka, a healer and writer known to many. I use a lot of her advice on a healthy lifestyle and apply it quite successfully.
How to measure pressure with a ruler
First , how to measure pressure for yourself. We take any ruler - plastic , wooden , iron - it doesn’t matter. We also need an ordinary nut or ring , in principle, any item. I use a paper clip at work. to the nut ( ring , paper clip) - an ordinary thread about 20 centimeters long.
We sit comfortably on a chair , put our hand extended forward on the table ( it is more convenient to measure the pressure on the left hand). Right in the clothes , it does not interfere at all. We put a ruler on the hand so that the beginning of the divisions is at the bend of the elbow.
We take the rope with the nut by the free end with the right hand , put the nut over the ruler at its very beginning and lead the hand along the ruler , without touching it , to the wrist.
We breathe freely , do not strain , do not get distracted and do not talk. The movement is slow and smooth. Here the Gadget suddenly came to life and began to sway across the ruler.
We look at the division of the ruler in this place. This is the mark of the first pressure value ( upper). For example , the nut swung at around 12. So , your pressure is 120 units. Like an astronaut! Now we put the ruler on the contrary with the beginning to the wrist and lead the nut up to the elbow. Gadget pumped at the mark corresponding to the value of the lower pressure. What is the focus here? What does science say? I don't know , but it doesn't matter.
The main thing is that it works and everything turns out! In the same way, you can measure the pressure with a ruler and another person. We seat him at the table with his arm outstretched , put a ruler on his arm and lead a nut on a thread along it. It is more convenient for the measurer to sit next to the opposite side of the table , but you can measure while standing. I have been using this method for a long time and I measure the pressure of all employees at work if necessary. They even called me a "surgeon". This method has never failed before.
Once there was an interesting curious case. I felt bad , seemed to me that the pressure was increased. Usually I determine by how I feel , whether the pressure has increased or decreased. But here you can be mistaken , since the signs are often similar.
I was at that moment with my mother and asked her to measure my blood pressure with a tonometer. The tonometer showed slightly low blood pressure. So I did not believe it , I thought the device had deteriorated. I took my ruler with a nut , I decided to check it. Gadget showed the same results as the tonometer , one to one.
But recently at work, an employee suddenly fainted. They brought her to her senses and , I measured the pressure with a ruler with a nut ( a paper clip , to be more precise). It turned out that it fell very sharply. And when they quickly found out the reason in this way , they took the right necessary measures without leaving the place. And if you call an ambulance , it is not known when she would have arrived.
The standard pressure of a healthy person is considered to be 120 * 80 units. But it can be different for every person.
That's all for today , what I wanted to tell you.
Learn how to measure blood pressure without a tonometer with a ruler , this method will help you measure your own blood pressure and help people in emergency cases.
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