How to look cheerful and fit even in old age

Regular stretching of the back muscles will help to establish a harmonious connection between body and mind , normalize breathing , restore loaded muscles , It is not at all necessary to be an athlete and go to the gym to experience all the benefits of high-quality static stretching.

Prolonged static stretching leads to strengthening of the tendons and muscles , the alignment of the skeleton occurs and the rejuvenating effect that follows. The restored spine entails the improvement of the whole organism!

"I love a healthy lifestyle" strongly recommends these 8 simple exercises to anyone who wants to feel 30 at 70! Just 15 minutes a day without special equipment and at home is what the doctor ordered.

Back stretching exercisesHow to look cheerful and fit even in old age


This pose not only strengthens the muscles of the spine , but also perfectly relaxes the nervous system and contributes to a surge of fresh strength. Exercise has a beneficial effect on internal organs , improves the functioning of the respiratory system , relieves headaches , hypertension and insomnia. , hamstrings , thighs and , as we have already said , the muscles of the back and spine are effectively stretched. Starting While inhaling , using the abdominal muscles , smoothly move your legs behind your head. The neck is free , the shoulder blades are brought together as much as possible , the back is straight , the hands are either on the floor, palms down , or supporting the back. At the end point, the legs are brought together , straightened , slightly tense. If it is difficult to raise straight legs , you can bend them at the knees. Stretch your tailbone up , feel how the extension of the spine increases. Return to starting position by placing your feet on the floor.How to look cheerful and fit even in old age Do a few slow reps.


Exercise not only strengthens the muscles that support the spine , but also has a noticeable effect on the abdominal muscles. Regular stretching helps to relieve back pain by a sedentary lifestyle , and also supports the respiratory system by supplying oxygen to the organs. "Cat" is especially useful for those who suffer from frequent bronchitis.

Get on all fours , place your palms firmly on the floor , point your fingers forward. Legs are bent at a right angle , arms are straight. Take a deep breath , tilt your pelvis inward , round your back and lower your head. The abdominal muscles are tense , and the back is stretched.

As you inhale, bend your back in the opposite direction , raising your head and pelvis. Feel how the back muscles work and , on the contrary , the press relaxes.How to look cheerful and fit even in old age Stay as long as possible at the top and bottom points.

"The cat is chasing the tail"

A variation of the ordinary "Cat", but with the addition of body movements to the right and left. Everything is the same: as you exhale, round your back and pull the right thigh to the right shoulder in a horizontal direction , then the left to the left.How to look cheerful and fit even in old age As you inhale, arch your back and do the same.

"Pretzel" in the prone position "

Lie on your back , legs straight , arms spread out to the sides. Bend your left leg at the knee and cross it over your right knee. Stretch your knee to the left , trying to touch the floor. You can help yourself with your right hand. Hold this position for 10 breaths , then return to the starting position and repeat the same for the opposite leg.How to look cheerful and fit even in old age

"Bridge Pose"

This exercise is a real panacea for all the ills of a sedentary lifestyle. Lie on your back , bend your knees , place your feet shoulder-width apart. Put your hands along the body or stretch back. Raise the pelvis above the floor , linger in this position for 5 respiratory cycles. In this position, the muscles of the arms are stretched , the gluteal muscles are trained and , of course , the back muscles are strengthened. Do a few slow repetitions and do not forget to follow your breath.

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"Bow Pose"

Starting position - lying on your stomach. Legs together , arms along the body , palms and chin pressed to the floor. As you inhale, spread your legs , bend at the knees and grab your ankles with your hands or grab your feet with your palms. Begin to unbend your knees while raising your head and chest.

Throw your head back , lift your hips off the floor and bend well in the lower back. Do a few rocking back and forth , relax and return to the starting position.How to look cheerful and fit even in old age Do 3 smooth reps.

"Pretzel" in a sitting position

Regular performance of this exercise will help not only restore the health of the spine , but also cope with excess fat deposits in the hips and waist. Sit on the floor , hands rest on the floor , legs straightened. Bend your left leg at the knee and place it behind your right knee.

Place your left palm in front of the coccyx at close range , put your right hand on the thigh of your left leg. While inhaling, smoothly turn your whole body to the left , stay in this position for 8 seconds , exhale and return to the starting position. Feel the stretch in your waist and hips. Swap arms and legs , and then do the same for the opposite leg.How to look cheerful and fit even in old age


Regular performance of the "Boat" will lead to an improvement in general condition , give a surge of energy and cheer up. We recommend starting with 4 sets of 10 seconds. Starting position - lying on your stomach. Legs are straight , socks are extended. Arms extended forward , palms facing down.

Gently and simultaneously raise your upper body and legs to the most comfortable height. The pelvis and abdomen are pressed to the floor. Hold your breath for 10 seconds and begin to stretch the body from the palms to the feet , stretching in opposite directions.How to look cheerful and fit even in old age Exhale slowly and return to the starting position.

Modern man , no matter how hard he tries , is a hostage to a sedentary lifestyle , and the muscles of the back and neck in such a situation experience tremendous tension. In order not to become a victim of osteochondrosis and other unpleasant diseases , to cheer up , strengthen the spine and regain its former flexibility , be sure to experience the miraculous power of stretching. It is impossible to nullify the aging process , but to slow it down is as easy as shelling pears!

How to look cheerful and fit even in old age

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