The 30 Second Habit That Will Change Your Life...

This advice was not even born in our era of digital glut and disillusionment. It was given by an elderly gentleman who lived in the 19th century to his teenage grandson , who is now in his fifth decade.
Today this man is the "grey eminence" of the business world - one of the most interesting people I have ever met.
He helped develop devices that are now sold under well-known brands. Today he works only when he feels that he has to offer to others.
He is immersed in monitoring stock prices that threaten corporate crises. Sometimes , when he's interested enough , he writes speeches for the world's biggest corporate executives and politicians , his words are worth six figures.
He reads exceptionally much , and also writes fruitfully.
Novels. But just for fun: at the end, he deletes them.
He sees no point in being published , and does not seek publicity in general.

The 30 Second Habit That Will Change Your Life...Among his friends are the most influential people on the planet - from businessmen and politicians to actors and other representatives of the arts. But if you google his name and you only find a couple of lines.
I first met him for coffee at his house , while discussing the strategy of a political non-profit organization in Africa.
There was a lively discussion at the table.
The owner of the house , making coffee , said practically nothing.
But on the few occasions when he joined the conversation , his short question or remark invariably clarified exactly what was really important , brushing aside unnecessary arguments that littered the discussion. It was a real skill , watching the conductor of the London Philharmonic orchestra , bringing into shape a student orchestra from a small town.
So when he gave me some of the best advice I've ever received , I was all ears.
If there's only one thing you can do
, do it. He was still a boy and was just getting ready for high school. His grandfather , admonishing his grandson , said the following:
After each lecture , meeting, or any other important experience, spend thirty seconds - no more , no less - and write down the most important points. If you always do this, - said his grandfather, - then this alone , without any repetition , will help you remember and assimilate everything.
Grandfather's advice was not in vain. Our hero used it in all his affairs and undertakings , and he still had enough time to experience life to the fullest. He later shared this advice with his sons , who also did well.
I have tried this method for several months.
And here's
what I found out: This is not a synopsis. I don't think that if you take notes during the meeting , then you are spared the need for a thirty-second summary . This experience is completely different from the usual notes that you make to remember important points. Rather , it is interpretation , prioritization and decision making.
It's hard.
Deciding what matters most is really difficult. It's very easy to tell yourself that you already remember everything , to find an excuse to avoid this short brain sprint , a kind of hundred-meter run for your brain.
Details are a trap.
We often think that we supposedly “remembered everything”. And it is difficult for us to force ourselves to weed out unnecessary details in order to identify exactly those points that are really important.
The path to perfection lies through the art of tidying up.
You must act quickly.
After a couple of hours, you will be able to remember the facts , but miss the nuances. And without them, you can make a mistake , determining what is really important. It may be the tone of voice of your interlocutor , or at first glance a simple assumption that ignited a spark in you , or a shadow of someone else's idea that influenced your thoughts.
You learn to listen better and ask questions better. Once you get used to the thirty second rule , you will be able to better focus on the subject of a conversation or discussion.
It's like being able to bring out the pure melody in a cacophony of sounds. As you begin to listen with more attention , you are asking the right questions that actually lead to the right answers , which makes your 30 second review even more useful.
You are more capable of helping others. second summary helps you get to the heart of the matter , it becomes clear to you what is important to other people.
This rule will help you understand your opponent's point of view and balance your interests. This does not surprise me: when I interviewed various people involved in charitable work , I was struck by the fact that many of them unconsciously use the thirty-second review technique to focus on how to make their giving more effective.
With experience this becomes easy. Each time it becomes a little easier for you to isolate the main thing , you find it more and more useful and even begin to enjoy the process of separating the grains from the chaff.
Author: Robin Scott , social entrepreneur and writer

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The 30 Second Habit That Will Change Your Life...

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