How to get rid of acne permanently. Beauty and health at home

I have been suffering with problematic skin for over 15 years. And only six months ago I found the only true recipe for cleansing the skin and getting rid of acne. Without expensive procedures , ointments and antibiotics. Cheap , simple , but somehow extreme. At least for me. I tried almost everything: cosmetic cleanings , trips to a dermatologist , special creams and masks , peels and other procedures. And only six months ago I found the only true recipe for cleansing the skin and getting rid of acne. Without expensive procedures , ointments and antibiotics. Cheap , simple , but somehow extreme. At least for me.

How to get rid of acne permanently. Beauty and health at home
How to get rid of acne FOREVER

How does food affect the skin?

This is not about a diet for 2-3 weeks , but about a complete change in diet.
After all, the main reason for the appearance of acne and the reproduction of pathogenic microflora on the face is the entry of toxins into the blood and skin cells. Which are mainly brought into the body with food. And it is with toxins that you need to fight in the first place. Have you ever seen chubby and chubby girls have facial problems ? Me not. All the chubby women I 've seen have surprisingly smooth and clear facial skin! And all because toxins with their complexion accumulate not in the upper layers of the skin , but in adipose tissue.
But thin people and men of asthenic physique suffer from problem skin very often. Demodicosis , common acne , pustules - the type of harmful microflora on the face can be very different. But the reason that activates the activity of these microorganisms is always the same - malnutrition , which leads to improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

What foods will you have to stop eating forever?
The main source of toxins for problem skin is heavy foods rich in sugar and simple carbohydrates.
It slows down the metabolic processes in the body and stops the elimination of toxins. Moreover , if, after improving the condition of the skin, you start eating pastries , flour , sweets again, the problem will appear again. Therefore, I resigned myself to the inevitable - my new diet should become my way of life.

So , what foods will have to be excluded from the diet if you really want to get rid of acne , but do not want to kill the liver with antibiotics?
Sweet flour products. That is, any pastries which sugar is present along with wheat flour , even in small proportions. These are cakes , pastries , rolls , cookies , and even a factory loaf and other bread! As well as any food which yeast is present. Pasta , including from durum wheat , I also recommend to exclude. Flour products and products that cause fermentation processes in the body are the main enemies of clean skin!How to get rid of acne permanently. Beauty and health at home
All sweets and drinks that contain a lot of sugar: cola , soft drinks , packaged juices , non-bitter chocolate , sweets , jam , marmalade , etc. Sugar, even separately from flour, causes fermentation in the stomach and intestines , provoking the release of toxins.
Fried food. All food should be boiled , baked , stewed , ideally steamed. But don't fry! Oil heated in a pan , as well as food fried in it, is an ideal source of toxins
. I don’t even mention fast food - it’s evil , and so it’s clear.

That is , the diet will be harsh: borsch without donuts , no sandwiches , for tea - only dried fruits ... It's hard. But it is necessary if you really decide to become beautiful.
What and when to eat to clear the skin of acne?
What then to eat? And most importantly, when? Because the time which you will eat certain foods will greatly affect the process of recovery and purification.

Morning from 6 to 9. This is the time when you need to eat fruits , dried fruits , honey , dairy products. Yogurt with bananas , cottage cheese with strawberries and cream , dates for tea - this should be breakfast. It is at this time that sweet foods are best absorbed , and sour-milk ones treat the intestines and stomach. But do not buy yoghurts with sugar and fruits. Only unsweetened yogurt , kefir , fermented baked milk , curdled milk and other products without artificial sweeteners.

Day from 11 to 14. This is the time of cereals ( especially oatmeal), cheeses , raw and boiled or stewed vegetables , potatoes , nuts , as well as meat , fish and eggs ( if you eat them). Until 14:00, the body digests almost any food. And only if he adds work in the form of an additional piece of meat with a loaf , or a cake after soup , there will be consequences in the form of rashes on the skin. Not for everyone , but if you already have such a problem, then they definitely will.

Evening from 16 to 18. Time for boiled and stewed vegetables , light fermented milk products ( fermented baked milk , curdled milk), baked fruits and buckwheat. All those products , the digestion of which the body needs no more than an hour. And no meat and potatoes! These products are absorbed by the intestines for more than 5 hours ( and if eaten together, then much longer). And the intestines stop anything around 19:00. Because evening and night are the time for the synthesis of useful substances , and not for their assimilation. Everything that is eaten after 18 will go either into fat or acne.

Evening and night from 19 to 6 in the morning. During this period of the day, only warm milk is digested , in which turmeric can be added for additional skin treatment , herbal tea , and also water. No other products should enter your stomach!

But , in addition to these actions , there are special rules , without which it will be difficult to cleanse the skin , even eating perfectly.
Additional mandatory actions that will help solve the problem with problem skin once and for all
In order for toxins to be removed from the body , it is necessary to speed up the metabolism. that you eat for breakfast , as well as fruits and cereals,
help with this But the fastest metabolism accelerates plain water. 1. 1.5-2 liters of pure water per day is a prerequisite for successful skin cleansing. Because toxins are excreted through the blood and lymph. Blood and lymph are 90% water. Even if you don't feel thirsty, set a timer for every hour and a half and drink a glass of water. Not in one gulp , but intermittently , in small sips.
Measure out your daily portion of water and remember to drink it all. If you feel like eating between meals, drink water. In the morning , when you wake up and half an hour before breakfast, also drink a glass of water , maybe two.
And do not listen to those who say that a lot of water is harmful. Water cleanses the body. And if you have skin problems, it means that cleaning is ineffective. This means that the body has nothing to cleanse itself with , it does not have enough water. Not from fruits and tea , but ordinary , clean.
2. Physical activity. Even regular morning jogging , push-ups or yoga can boost your metabolism. Walk more , swim , dance - do anything , just move. This , oddly enough , helps a lot to fight acne on the face.
3. Try to keep your spine straight. If you slouch , the internal organs press on each other , and the stomach and intestines begin to work more slowly. But if you sit straight at the computer , if you keep your back straight while walking, there should be no problems with metabolism.
4. Breathe from your belly or diaphragm. Such breathing is natural for a person , but we are used to breathing in full chest. Because of this, the abdominal organs do not receive the right amount of oxygen and are not massaged. And this leads to a slowdown in their work. , breathe like singers or actors - into the diaphragm. Or take up singing.

Skin Care Questions
There are no special tips about external skin care. Before that, you used some special means , visited a beautician at least once a month - keep doing it. My experience shows that these measures are necessary and effective , but only a change in diet changes the situation dramatically.
And a few more words about sweets: I know how difficult it is to give them up right away. But when you start to track the condition of the skin after eating a cake at night , or even eating a chocolate bar for lunch , the desire to get rid of the consequences will strengthen the determination to give up sweets forever.

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How to get rid of acne permanently. Beauty and health at home

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