How to lose weight at home

Our body needs periodic cleaning. In the large intestine , kidneys , lungs and liver, elements can accumulate that disrupt metabolic processes , which in turn leads to an increase not only in the external , but also in the internal fat layer.

To get rid of internal ( visceral) fat , we advise you to try an evening drink for weight loss , which includes elements that remove puffiness , remove excess fluid , and speed up metabolism.

Cucumber drink

How to lose weight at home


1/3 st.
water 1 tsp.
grated ginger root 1 medium cucumber
1 small bunch parsley
½ lemon


Wash cucumber and parsley , put in a blender bowl.
Add ginger , pulp and lemon juice , pour in water and whisk everything until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. For taste, you can sweeten the drink with honey or stevia.

Drink this cocktail before going to bed to feel fresh as a cucumber in the morning! After 1-2 weeks, you will notice amazing changes: the stomach will tighten up , and the sides will disappear.

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