Fast and effective treatment of the gallbladder at home

Ecology of health: If the festive feasts lasted 1-2 days , then it would be half the trouble , but they stretch for 2 weeks. And therefore , if suddenly your face , the faces of your children , loved ones and relatives are covered with red-brown spots mixed with acne , and you feel unpleasant bitterness in your mouth

Driven into a corner of habits , stereotypes , people become hostages of their own passions , including gastronomic ones. And as a result - a huge list of suffering , illness , ailments , sometimes ending tragically.

Where should one start in this case? And you need to start with the reasons. It should be remembered that our bile is the main responsible for digestion. It is she who determines the quality of digestion with all the resulting circumstances.

My beloved grandfather, a military doctor, liked to repeat: “Remember , son: you need to eat and go to the toilet with pleasure.” Modern gastronomic doctrines have deprived us of both the first and second states by 90 % .Fast and effective treatment of the gallbladder at home

As a rule , in the morning we barely have time something into our mouths and drink something . At lunch - fill your stomach with fast food and something again . But already during dinner - we "take off" to the fullest and , barely breathing , crawl to the sofa or bed in order to meet a gloomy dawn in nightmares. This is , so to speak , our everyday life.

Therefore, most people are waiting for with loud and quiet joy - to quickly eat all sorts of yummy.

If the festive feasts lasted 1-2 days , then it would be half the trouble , but they stretch for 2 weeks. And therefore , if suddenly your face , the faces of your children , loved ones and relatives are covered with red-brown spots mixed with acne , and you feel unpleasant bitterness in your mouth; at the same time, heartburn and belching will torment you; the tongue will be covered with a yellowish-white sticky coating; your gait will suddenly become clumsy , and you will start to stumble out of the blue; ripples and "flies" will appear in the eyes; will begin to pull under the right hypochondrium; the skin of the face will become oily to the touch and yellow-gray in color - know that your bile is “tired”, one might say , almost “exhausted”.


So it's time to take a gastronomic time out .

To get started, take 1 tsp. baking soda , dilute it in 0.5 liters of warm boiled water and drink this homemade mineral water in small sips at 10-10:30 in the morning.

Then lie down quietly for 20-30 minutes and , despite the weather , go for a walk. You don't need to run , but you don't need to "crawl" either. After walking for at least 30 minutes , return home and repeat the intake of homemade mineral water , but now in the amount of 200 ml ( 0.5 tsp. soda per 1 glass of water), adding 0.5 tsp. liquid honey.

At 13-13:30 I highly recommend eating any simple fish soup.Fast and effective treatment of the gallbladder at home

In the afternoon you can taste dried fruit uzvara , or cranberry jelly , or any jam jam.

If you have enough willpower, give dinner to an enemy or neighbor. If not enough, you can eat 1-2 baked potatoes or 1 baked apple with honey. And make yourself some lime blossom , chamomile , lemon balm or mint tea.

And now, the very next day, you can proceed to cooking and eating our author's super soup "Lose Weight".


How to get rid of 3-5 kg ​​in 3 days? The task is not only relevant , but also easily feasible. Another deception? you say. But no! I offer you a recipe for the Lose Weight super soup: eating only it for 3 days without restrictions , you just say goodbye to those extra pounds.

For its preparation you will need: -sized leek - 1 pc.; medium-sized carrots - 1 pc.; stalks or celery root - 200 g; pickled cucumber of medium size - 1 pc.; black or white beans in their own juice - 1 can ( 200 g).

Cooking method. Rinse the leek , pat dry with a kitchen towel and finely chop. In the pot which the soup will be cooked , pour 50 ml of any refined vegetable oil. After the oil has warmed up , put in the chopped onion in turn , then finely chopped carrots , celery and cucumber. After mixing the contents , add quite a bit of sugar there. As soon as the vegetables give juice , cover the dishes with a lid for 5-7 minutes and reduce the degree of heating to a minimum. After 5 minutes, add the beans from the jar and bring the volume of the soup with purified water to 3-3.5 liters. After 3-5 minutes of boiling, the soup can be turned off. Now you need to let it brew for another 10-15 minutes.

Lose Weight Super Soup can be served with low-fat sour creamif you prefer hot first courses. It is also very tasty and cold with the addition of sour milk or fermented baked milk. Bran bread croutons , rye crackers , any non-yeast bread are great for this soup.

I draw your attention that the super soup "Lose Weight" is an excellent cleanser for the intestines.

This already well-known soup will not only allow you to get rid of extra "holiday" kilograms , but also significantly improve liver function , and, accordingly , bile. Three days of such a diet will give you the opportunity to joyfully and confidently meet the Old New Year and easily enter the normal working course.


Another powerful recipe for restoring the outflow of bile after a feast.

Also, for cleansing the liver and gallbladder after a feast, I can recommend another well-known method , which is about 250-300 years old. This is a method of purse-string warming.

You need to take 2 tbsp. l. salt , put them in the center of a handkerchief and tie opposite ends , forming a pouch. This pouch must be put on a dry frying pan , which is on fire , and heated to such a temperature that, by applying the pouch to the back of the hand , you feel a pleasant warmth. A warm pouch should be applied to areas that correspond to the gastric tract: they are located on the face , behind the ear and on the skull.

1. The gallbladder zone is located under the lower border of the orbit of the eye on the cheekbone of the right cheek. To this place you need to attach a pouch for 2 minutes. This will be a good help to your gallbladder.

2. The second trick is also very simple. You need to take your right ear , bend it , and behind it , on the border of the bone and the auricle , where the surface is not overgrown with hair , apply a warm pouch for 2-3 minutes. Naturally , at this moment, reflexively, along with the cleansing of bile, the cleansing of the liver also occurs.

3. But for this , in order to help your liver even more , a warm pouch should be applied in the forehead , namely, on the right side on the border of the forehead and temporal lobe. Also for 2-3 minutes.

Thus , at home, in the morning after a long feast, you can help yourself wonderfully in cleaning your gallbladder and your liver without resorting to chemical preparations.

Fast and effective treatment of the gallbladder at home

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