Effective exercises for back pain

Most people who work at the office at the computer are familiar with the excruciating back pain that occurs due to of sedentary work. Many caring companies create special zones for comfortable rest of their employees. But if you don't already work in such a place, or the bosses are only thinking about creating such a place , you should take care of yourself.

I have compiled a selection of 1-minute exercises that will help you strengthen your back muscles and at the same time get rid of pain in the future , no matter where you are.

Place of training - any flat , hard surface: floor , table.

Training time - 1 minute for 1 exercise.

Start training - in the morning , afternoon , evening.

Regularity - every day.Effective exercises for back pain

1. Strengthening and stretching of the spine

What it affects: abdominal and back muscles. Strengthening and stretching of the spine.

Correct execution: light sipping in the lower back.

Method 1

What to do: Gradually tilt both knees to the side , and turn your head in the opposite direction. The shoulders remain motionless and pressed to the floor. Freeze in this position for 10 seconds , then do the same on the other side.

Repetitions: 4 times.

Method 2

What to do: from the starting position, stretch the right leg , and bend the left at the knee. “Hook” the foot on the knee of the straight leg. Tilt the bent knee outward , and turn the head to the other side , the shoulders remain motionless.

Repetitions: 20 times.

Method 3

What to do: slowly bend your knees in turn, first in one direction , then in the other direction and at the same time turn your head in the opposite direction.

Repetitions: 10 tilts without stopping.

2. Strengthening the thoracic spine What it affects: the abdominal muscles and the middle part of the back.

Correct execution: light sipping in the lower back.

Method 1

What to do: "cat": breathing deeply and freely , without leaving the accepted position , arch your back and fix this position for 15 or 30 seconds. "Camel": from the starting position, bend towards the floor , while forming the same arc , but only in the opposite direction. Hold this position for 15 or 30 seconds.

Repetitions: 2 times.

Method 2

What to do: from the starting position "cat's back" pull one knee to the chest and try to get it to the forehead , then straighten this leg , keeping the position parallel to the floor. And return to the starting position again.

Repetitions: 10 times at a slow pace.

3. Strengthening the lumbar spine
What it affects: strengthening the abdominal muscles. If the abdominals are weak , the abdomen may bulge and the spine may move forward.

Correct execution: slight tension in the abdominal area.

Method 1

What to do: press the pelvis to the floor , inhale , and while exhaling, lift the chest up.

Repetitions: 10 times at a slow pace.

Method 2

What to do: while in the starting position , inhale , pull one knee to the opposite elbow , the other elbow remains on the floor. Then straighten the bent knee in weight , at the same time pull the other knee to the opposite elbow. The exercise is similar to cycling , but without circular movements.

Repetitions: 10 times at a slow pace.

A healthy back and spine is the key to the health of your entire body and its full functioning. Stay healthy and take care of yourself!

Effective exercises for back pain

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