25 Slimming Rules You Don't Tell About Because They Work!

25 Slimming Rules You n't Tell About Because They Work! Scientific truth. If you have tried to lose weight at least once in your life ( or at least make a plan), then you probably already noticed: the Internet is full of conflicting information , and not a single “fashionable” diet gives a stable result.

Usually these inconsistencies are explained by crooked nutritionists that “all people are different”: they say , since you didn’t succeed , it means that you just need a different strategy. It would seem , how can you figure out where is nonsense , and where is the truth? And what to believe to really lose weight?

We looked for SCIENTIFIC recommendations here , tested them on ourselves and now we bring them to you!

Here are 25 rules of harmony that really work , despite their non-obviousness.

1. Start your morning with 2 glasses of water , drunk on an empty stomach. You can add a couple of drops of lemon juice to them. This will help jump-start your metabolism and save you from an over-calorie breakfast.

2. Start breakfast 10-15 minutes after drinking water. And not earlier than 20 minutes after waking up! The best foods for the first meal are boiled eggs and a variety of cereals.

3. If you want to lose weight , it is better not to drink food.
Refrain from drinking for 30 minutes after eating. This will allow it to be absorbed faster. 4. Forget about what you can not eat after six. The ideal time for dinner starts 3-4 hours before bedtime.

5. Learn to love the contrast shower. It improves blood circulation , speeds up metabolism and even smoothes cellulite sometimes! Yes, the complexion will improve.

25 Slimming Rules You Don't Tell About Because They Work!

6. Chew your food thoroughly. This is more important than it seems. The better you chew something before swallowing , the faster your body will absorb it. And there will be no heaviness in the stomach!

7. Remember that the feeling of fullness does not come immediately. The brain needs about 20 minutes to receive information from the stomach that it is already full. Take your time.

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8. Place a glass of water on your desktop.
May it always be before your eyes. A glass of water at 1 o'clock is the ideal norm! 9. Nuts are a very useful thing , especially for the brain. But they are also high in calories. So a handful at a time is enough!

10. Nutritionists hate potatoes. But in fact, you have to love it: the product is satisfying , and there are not as many calories . The main thing is not to fry it! Boiled potatoes in their skins are the best option.

25 Slimming Rules You Don't Tell About Because They Work!11. Bread is also different. It’s really better not to eat white wheat bread , but “gray” or “black”, i.e. rye, is possible and necessary!

12. NEVER drink hot drinks ( tea and coffee) with sugar! It is MUCH easier to give it up than it seems , and the body will not receive "extra" calories from drinks!

13. The best invigorating drink for losing weight is green tea. Drink 2 cups a day.

14. A simple walk is your feet's best friend. 30 minutes a day is enough to protect yourself from cellulite and maintain normal weight and mood!

Running and walking burn about the same number of calories!

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15. Watch your posture. If you always keep your back straight , your metabolism will work faster!

If you start today , it will be easier in 2 days. And in three weeks you will start walking smoothly without any problems at all!

16. Don't buy store-bought juices. They have more sugar than vitamins! Of course , you should not believe the inscriptions on the packages: “100%”, “Sugar Free”, “No Additives”, etc. And , yes , there are no sugar-free chewing gums and diet cola either!

See also: 13 dangerous health problems that lemon juice will save you from

17. Pay attention to the COLOR of products. Yellow and white foods should be eaten as little as possible ( bread , pasta , butter , etc. ), and dark and pigmented foods should be eaten more. The lowest calorie foods are green!

18. Eat more probiotics - foods containing beneficial bacteria for the gut. Kefir and unsweetened yogurt are best.

19. Get up from the table when you feel that the stomach is 80% full. Golden Rule!

20. Finally start enough sleep! Studies show that people suffering from chronic sleep deprivation eat one and a half times more than they should!

21. Orgasm - minus 500 kcal. If he was without a man , then minus 300.

22. Get a notebook. Record your weight and measurements every day. It motivates more than it seems.

Your “ideal” speed is to lose 1-1.5 kg per week. It guarantees you the absence of health problems and ugly "stretch marks" on the skin.

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23. Cook yourself. Restaurant food usually has too much salt , seasoning , fat, or sunflower oil.

See also: The girl took a colander and began to dry her hair. The result is amazing!

24. The golden rule of normal nutrition: only "real" products , and no food that is produced in factories and factories.

Meat - you can , sausage - a taboo. Fish is a must , canned fish is a taboo! Picklesbought from grandmothers at the market - you can , store - a taboo. Etc.

25. And , finally , the main thing is to ask yourself the question more often: “A handsome man or a piece of cake? McDonald's or skinny jeans? These were the 25 rules of harmony. Share this post with your friends and be sure to try to follow these rules! They are scientific!

Save so you don't lose.

25 Slimming Rules You Don't Tell About Because They Work! Scientific truth. If you have tried to lose weight at least once in your life (or at least make a plan), then you probably already noticed: the Internet is full of conflicting information, and not a single “fashionable” diet gives a stable result.

See also: Schedule for losing weight: eat what you want and drink water by the hour. The result is minus 15% fat ...

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