5 Tibetan exercises that will help you work out all the muscles in just 10 minutes!

We present to your attention 5 exercises of Tibetan monks that energize and rejuvenate the body. These exercises also help to fall asleep easier , relieve joint injuries and relieve muscle tension.

Working out all the muscles of the body is not an easy task! Especially if we have only 10 minutes to do it ... However, there are effective exercises that will allow you to do this. We are sure you will notice their fundamental difference from other physical activities already familiar to you! Be sure to try them , because they are not difficult and do not require any sports equipment.

Effective Tibetan exercises for working out the muscles of the whole body
Exercise 1

Effective Tibetan Exercises

The first exercise is the easiest. You need to stand up straight and raise your hands to the level of the shoulder girdle. Make sure that your arms are parallel to the floor during the exercise.

Now start turning in a clockwise direction around your axis.
Perform several sets of 3 or 6 rotations. Exercise 2

The starting position for the second exercise is lying on your back. Stretch your arms along your body and breathe deeply. Now raise your head and legs up.

Shoulders and hips should remain firmly pressed to the floor.
Do not bend your legs while lifting. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Exercise 3

Effective Tibetan Exercises5 Tibetan exercises that will help you work out all the muscles in just 10 minutes!

To perform this exercise, you will need to kneel down , shins should be parallel to each other. Make sure your knees are hip-width apart. The arms are extended along the body , the hands can be pressed from behind , under the buttocks.

Now tilt your head forward and try to touch your chin to your chest. Do not forget about the importance of breathing , breathe measuredly and deeply. As you exhale, tilt your head back and arch your back.

Stretch your chest as much as possible. You can help yourself with your hands , resting your palms on the back of your thigh. Then return to the starting ( vertical) position without rising from your knees.

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Exercise 4

To perform the next exercise, you need to sit on the floor ( on the buttocks). Feet shoulder width apart straight in front of you. Hands rest on the floor , fingers parallel to the legs ( pointed forward). Exhale and tilt your head forward , touching your chin to your chest.

While inhaling, raise your head and take it back as far as possible , raising your whole body. So you change the position of your body to horizontal ( you get a kind of bridge). Support is carried out on the arms and legs , which should form right angles with the body.

Tighten all the muscles ( for a few seconds). Hold this position , and as you exhale, return to the starting position ( sitting), pressing your chin to your chest.
Exercise 5

Effective Tibetan Exercises

Starting position - "bar", now arch your back. Arms and legs are slightly wider apart ( more than shoulder width). You should not touch your knees to the floor. To perform this exercise correctly, you must tilt your head back and breathe.

Inhale as you lift your hips up to form an angle with your body. Lower your head to your chest and try not to bend your legs , they should remain straight ( just like your back and arms).

As you exhale, return to the starting position. Breathing in this exercise is the same as in the previous ones.

Only here you may need a little more time to get used to inhaling during the bending of the body ( inhale for effort) and exhaling during the return to the starting position.

But when you get it right , you can begin to tighten your muscles and hold this body position for a few seconds.

Do not forget that although all these exercises are very effective , they must be performed every day in order to achieve a result.

How to make the exercises more effective?

If you want to get the maximum effect from all these exercises, gradually increase the number of repetitions when performing them.

In the first week of classes, you can do 3 repetitions , in the second - 5 , in the third - 7 , and so on up to 21 times ( by week 10).

If you miss your workout in any , it is recommended to return to the previous number of repetitions. It is better to perform these effective exercises in the morning , on an empty stomach.

Just do not overwork yourself , do not get very tired. After completing the entire complex, it’s good to rest a little and relax the body in a prone position.

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5 Tibetan exercises that will help you work out all the muscles in just 10 minutes!

Comments: 1
  1. Diana

    Great exercises! Thank you

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